The Cable Test - listen and decide

I prefer......

  • Cable 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cable 2

    Votes: 3 13.6%
  • Cable 3

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • Cable 4

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • I cannot detect a difference

    Votes: 15 68.2%

  • Total voters
They don't need to be "special" as in "expensive", they only need to be "special" in that they possess certain "special" qualities which are difficult to explain, impossible to measure, but which nevertheless you feel that you can genuinely perceive, and also which science is unable to explain.

That's "bargain special cables" in my book. Win-win, and a good night's sleep on top!

I have them also, only mine are special in a different way ;-)
David, I'm sure you must be confusing me with someone else.

At home I use old Quad amps mostly, which aren't expensive.
I also own and use an A&R A60 which cost me £50.
The most expensive amp I recommend is a Cambridge 840 at £750, for those wanting lots of power, inputs, facilities and useable tone controls. I also have a World Design kit valve amp.

Nothing particularly exotic and certainly not expensive.
Expense is fine if it actually delivers benefits.


Very dubious.

You could have an all in one sound system for that alone.

I think you really need to consider carefully where you are spending your money, Rob.

That sounds GROSSLY wasteful to me.

+are sure you can hear the difference???

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PS I think I might just have to mention you to G Brown.

He might have to alter his fiscal policies as a result.

Were you taken in by the teak finish and the buttons by any chance???

Sorry James but I can't talk myself out of what I hear. I have tried...

It isnt what you HEAR its what you PERCEIVE.

Any number of simple tests can easily demonstrate to you how aural perception can be misled purely due to belief or expectation. This applies to the audio components as well as cables. One need only listen to the opinions of audiophiles deluded by marketing material that is in contradiction to poor performance to realise that this kind of delusion is endemic in hifi. There is always some bright new shiny thing that is more special that causes them to switch allegiance to the new best ever as fashions shift. Usually to some other product just as far off the pace as the first one, to the detriment of their bank balance and the manufacturers delight. L**n and n**m have made a pretty good living out of it!

I suspect you would find it hard to identify those differences that you purport to hear under scientific testing conditions. ;)

I've been hearing the differences in cables since I began listening to hifis in the late sixties. This was long before anyone "expected", marketed or stated cables make a difference.

As far as Science goes...short of being locked up in a small cage with water bottle and exercise wheel, I've "guessed" the right one every time with various dems over the years in hifi shops. So, if you don't mind, I will simply continue my delusion/fantasy and just pray it doesn't severely hamper the quality of my life over the next forty years as it hasn't the first fifty.


Many such similiar claims have been made - whenever they have been tested rigourously they evaporate. If you can tell the difference then claims randi's $1m.
So, if perceived differences between cables can be attributed to delusion, how on earth does one select a suitable purchase? I've never seen speaker or amp manufacturers provide measurements for the ideal cable, nor have I seen cable manufacturers provide such measurements for their cables.

All that's left, it would seem, is to go with the delusion you like best! If this is true, then perceived preference being a delusion wouldn't seem to matter much, as it's the only basis for choice! :confused::confused::confused: And stuff. If you know what I mean. Like.
So, if perceived differences between cables can be attributed to delusion, how on earth does one select a suitable purchase? I've never seen speaker or amp manufacturers provide measurements for the ideal cable, nor have I seen cable manufacturers provide such measurements for their cables.

All that's left, it would seem, is to go with the delusion you like best! If this is true, then perceived preference being a delusion wouldn't seem to matter much, as it's the only basis for choice! :confused::confused::confused: And stuff. If you know what I mean. Like.

Use the one which comes with the kit. Simple>
Failing that, just choose the cheapest cable which looks to be reasonably well made. It's obvious, isn't it? Or am I missing something here?

Use the one which comes with the kit. Simple>
Failing that, just choose the cheapest cable which looks to be reasonably well made. It's obvious, isn't it? Or am I missing something here?


Well, yes, it is. Except I would have thought that if science can prove that perceived differences are a delusion then it would be able to tell us what cable measurements would be suitable for what speaker/amp arrangement - or at least what formula to use to work it out for ourselves. I don't seem to be able to find anything, though.

If there isn't anything, then all that is left is to go with the one you like the best. IOW, if your delusion tells you that Nodust Goldust sounds better in your system than Moplin Joplin, why would you not fit it?
Not reading the thread, #3 was the one I preferred.

#4, #2 were hot on the highs and #1 came pretty close to 3.

Scientifically, I looked at the files from a more molecular state after listening and I can assure you that each is 'different" Whether we can tell the difference or not is pure subjectivity and this is based on "opinion" or "honesty" based on the impressions at the specific time after listening (which is certainly subject to change)

The above said, some people simply cannot hear differences. Some people cannot hear differences that by others are preceived as "large" and I know one fellow who absolutely could not hear a difference of 1.5dB, even when it hit me 'upside of" my face.

Since the poll is concluded, is their a post telling "what is what?"


hehe, I saw page 5. Cool!

On a given day, I know certainly that something I prefer one day may not be preferrable the next. This is why in mastering, it is critical to go back to a 'known' reference track at least once every 30 mins. as to not dig a hole you cannot get out of with any rebalancing or voicing. The fact remains, our preception changes and cannot be an absolute.
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Scientifically, I looked at the files from a more molecular state after listening and I can assure you that each is 'different"

There will be tiny differences as the files are from vinyl, which will always differ by a tiny amount with each play for a number of reasons. I took the view that such differences would be small enough to ignore for this test.

I will do another one in the fullness of time, but this time I want something costing £1k+ to put against the string.
I'll use CD as a source, then we can try a null test which might prove interesting.
HeHeHe wonderfull stuff Rob (only just catching up) cool idea with all the crap alloys :D

Quite interesting, how I thought the crap alloy cable sounded better than the bootlace:eek:

However ;) I have a theory :D
I've taken to liking brass to damp vibs, as in, replacing driver screws with brass screws, and replacing the pennys that were under my speaker spikes with brass off cuts, both changes seem to have improved things if only slightly.......So if one was to remove the brass from your crap alloy cable maybe it would then lack vib damping and sound worse than the bootlace - a total up in the air theory - maybe original crap alloy with the 1k cable ad the crap alloy with no brass ;)

Anyways FAB fun had to laugh when I saw the cable 2 pic :cool:

Thanks for the entertainment! Look forward to more :eek:
There will be tiny differences as the files are from vinyl, which will always differ by a tiny amount with each play for a number of reasons. I took the view that such differences would be small enough to ignore for this test.

I will do another one in the fullness of time, but this time I want something costing £1k+ to put against the string.
I'll use CD as a source, then we can try a null test which might prove interesting.

yup... £1k plus would be awesome

string with keys

that would be a cool one.

...also with 'power cables' ... lets have that one up :)
I for one don't believe in "gain matching" when it comes to cables. Clearly, the difference between two cables may be one of gain... and normalizing that would negate the differences. If one cable is louder (either overall or in terms of certain areas of the frequency spectra) then "that" is the difference I would like to know when it comes to various wire schemes.

I also don't believe that "wire" is a good voicing tool. Room acoustic treatment, loudspeaker quality, source quality and the listener position with reference to the loudspeakers are the areas where the differences can be substantial.

Connector quality, shielding and build quality should be considered when connecting two pieces of the chain and completeing a circuit. I agree that a point where we become disinterested in "whether" the cable is impeading the components quality is the goal..(at least for me)