Very simple really, serial killers, serial sex offenders, child molesters should either be hung, eletric chair or leathal injection (or possibly all 3)
I'm interested in the confinement of our forum executioners to the mundane methods of killing as currently administered by our close relatives across the Atlantic. (I believe firing squads are still employed in at least one US state (Utah?), or at least were up until recently).
Even the most inert of imaginations should be capable of conjuring up more elaborate and satisfying forms of murder. We only need to witness history if we are lacking in the creative departments.
So why are we restricted to certain forms of execution?
Is it barbaric to stone somebody to death, but not so to hang them? Certainly, our enlightened western retentionists seem to think so. Of course this is in 2003. We only need to 'regress' a short time, to illustrate the erstwhile accepted forms of execution. But of course, they were unenlightened times, and each day brings us ever closer to the oracle. What is justifiable and 'normal' on a Wednesday, is a criminal act on Thusday, in light of new empirical data.
Should the criminal act of the guilty be administered in turn on the same individual? This could lead to some interesting alternatives, and may ultimately prove more satisfactory.
Does the elaborate internalised social morality of the individual, perceived as a conscience and conveyor of ultimate truth, hinder the true extent of his vengeaful and sadistic inclinations? Does the cloak of rationality mask and chain the instinctive animalistic tendencies of one of natures erstwhile children.
I feel the only non-contradictory, non-hypocritical thing to do, is to knife the offenders to death in a mealstrom of fury, only after a sufficient term of torture has been employed with the upmost relish.........
death penalty serves no function but the revenge of frustrated people and revenge is not an emotion I would like to see cultivated in any society
That's all there is to it, if they are repeat offenders then they're not going to change there ways, they're wasting our taxes and they're filling up the jails
If you repeatedly pay your taxes, you are never going to commit a criminal offence?
The Death Penalty as currently administered in the 'civilised' West, consumes more money per head than a lifer in prison, and fills up ample jail cells on the holiday inn that is comically titled Death Row. Considering most of its inmates don't even know when they are going to die, they are no different in this respect, than the rest of us.
Perhaps taxes are money well spent - like a voucher, allowing one to be left in 'relative' peace.
Of course, this is easily avoided, by administering a rapid execution as the court room seats are still warm. But this opens up the possibility of further 'miscarriages of justice', which you may or may not be concerned about, but is something to consider.
No maybe they could be usful, why not have them used for medical experiments, save using animals right? That way ok they die, but their last act will be one the benifits the community
A stroke of irony. We administer the 'ultimate' punishment with the forced curtailment of life, while the rest seek ardently to prolong life. It seems death is still the only remaining enemy to Man's omnipotency, and continues to be an enigma.
In grid square 13, on the trailing edge of warp zone delta four, all is peaceful, and a fearless doctor prepares to write an adequate description of freedom in his new 'universal' dictionary.
ââ'¬Å"If a man lives well, he goes, after death, to live happily for ever in his star. But if he lives badly, he will, in the next life, be a woman; if he (or she) persists in evildoing, he (or she) will become a brute, and go on through transmigrations until at last reason conquers.ââ'¬Â
Platos cosmogony
And on the 8th day the Lord filed Humans under F, for Frustrated.