Mighty Rearranger
Originally posted by cookiemonster
WM, sir, i need to get back to the phantom nebula imminently to collect my prescription, or i fear i may be lost in this place indefinitely. Any chance of a lift?
Will decant later in the micronic calendar, there is an express elevator to wonder hitting transendental central, would you care to join?, all milk tray combatents are gadly recieved.
Time is but an element, that constitutes the a part of the whole, and not the picture, it is but a mere corridor to spaces of the mind that remain unlocked, until enlightenment is gathared and barriers that once stood tall, are now but wasted battlements on the scared landscape of knowledge, waiting for the next 'league of seekers' to rebuild their prepetual cycle and for those whose travels far stretch beyond the stars, there is comfort in that, those who follow will surely find they same contentemnt as those that have trod that very same path of destiny. WM
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