The pet hate thread

I'm with him on TT owners,halfbreads,all of 'em

'low hanging fruit',yep,i had that on a conference call from my boss.Luckily he is a mate so I could call him a c**t later

Typo I'm afraid :D Audi TT owners, in league far beyond BMW drivers too :eek: I suspect the sheep live in fear very near where they are garaged.
Sid gunna surprise you, I own a TT now :D
I was reminded of a new one in Zürich station this morning - people with big briefcases/small suitcases on wheels. They're everywhere these days and they really get in the way on crowded platforms as I'm trying to make the connecting train to work.
tones said:
I was reminded of a new one in Zürich station this morning - people with big briefcases/small suitcases on wheels. They're everywhere these days and they really get in the way on crowded platforms as I'm trying to make the connecting train to work.

A bit harsh, I feel. Surely not the fault of the people with suicases - what alternative do you suggest? If the problem is platform overcrowding then surely a more justified pet hate would be poorly designed train stations.
Dev said:
Wouldn't they be even slower and more obstructive if these suitcases didn't have wheels?

Proper suitcases I don't mind, but these are clearly carryable. Moreover, they're often not proper suitcases but large briefcases. I think the large pilot's type case has become somewhat of a status symbol, proclaiming to the world that here is a hard-working executive who takes his office home with him in his bag. The answer is a computer-type backpack, like mine,into which I fit raincoat, laptop, lunch, book to read and all the files I need. But of course that doesn't have quite the same cachet.
stumblin said:
A bit harsh, I feel. Surely not the fault of the people with suicases - what alternative do you suggest? If the problem is platform overcrowding then surely a more justified pet hate would be poorly designed train stations.

See reply to Dev. My train is one of the Basel-Zürich "Bankers' Specials", so many of these guys come with massive pilots' type briefcases, which they drag along behind them at a suitably dignified executival pace. And anyway, this is is a pet hate thread!
tones said:
See reply to Dev. My train is one of the Basel-Zürich "Bankers' Specials", so many of these guys come with massive pilots' type briefcases, which they drag along behind them at a suitably dignified executival pace. And anyway, this is is a pet hate thread!

OK, fair point. I travel a lot with work, and have a wheely case, but only use it for trips longer than 1 or 2 nights. For short trips it is perfectly easy to get away with a single back pack/shoulder slung bag.

I agree that you do see a lot of those stupid little wheely things that are unnecessary. And also with Michael - anything larger than a laptop bag should go in the hold.

Isn't it nice when we can all agree? ;)

since we're doing the room 101 thing here, here goes my list for this morning:

- stupidity. just plain old stupidity... honestly, some people are a danger to society, not just themselves! (and i don't mean ignorance, that's not necessarily their fault) :newbie:
- woman beaters (scum of the earth )
- child abusers (even greater scum) :chop:
- fanatics (religious, football, anything really)
- insurance companies
- debutants :zzzz:
- snobs (pretensious, false, you call them what you like)
- people pretending to be what they're not (and gosh they're everywhere!)
- money hungry tw*ts (particularly those city suit knobs)
- politicians (particularly american ones)
- hidden charges
- dentists (sorry but i hate them, oh how i hate them...)
- gong-ho salesmen :saw:
- beach holidays in overcrouded resorts
- laddish behaviour (lack of respect, basically) :moony:

oh and toilets without toilet paper... really annoying! :MILD:

i guess i could go on, but i'll keep it at that for now.
:merc: :JPS:

Mechanics scratching their heads, talking in riddles and ripping you off. Just tell me whats wrong with it and what my options are.
Crap cars that go wrong all the time.
Being skint.

(all the above obviously related :rolleyes: )

Chavs have cropped up alot...this got me thinking, do any chavs actually use the internet? Are they aware they are called Chavs? Do they realise they are Chavs?!
michaelab said:
I'll add to that: all management/meeting jargon, especially people using it just because they think it makes them sound impressive :bub: .

Unfortunately, working for a company where I have to make many conferance calls with our New York office it's almost unavoidable.
That's a learning. Do you move cheese?
michaelab said:
You've lost me there joel :confused:


Look up "Who Moved my Cheese?" on Amazon. Management blluhsit book, designed to convince you that all change is good so that when management fcuk you over, you back them all the way.

Interesting fact that as long as you keep the first and last letters on a word intact, it doesn't matter what order you put the others in - the brain will still recognise the word.
OK, time for some spleen venting.

Young mothers who smoke over babies.
In fact anyone who smokes over babies (though it's generally the teenie mum brigade)
The English national anthem - time to stop thinking that the queen is the country
The lack of pride in our country
The American Olympic basketball squad - so glad they got whipped by PR and Lithuania. Made me grin
Chavs, Kevs, Rudeboys, hoodrats, call them what you will
People who go on about their rights, but have no concept of the duty and responsibility you have to the society that gives you these rights. Can't have one without the other
Benefit frauds
The lack of meritocracy in my office (but only 3 weeks to go before I leave for SF!)
Brown nosing
Reward for incompetence (staying late is not a good thing if it's just because they can't do their job properly in the alotted time frame...)
The UK binge drinking culture (a bit hypocritical, but I'm reforming)
The UK's complete lack of loyalty to our athletes/sportsmen
Dentists (bad experience as a child)
Shaving - oh how it pains me
Tabloid news reporting
Scare mongering (see above)
Total lack of a foreign policy in the most powerful nation on Earth
The fact that it's been 4 months since I was invited to apply for promotion, and I still don't have my US visa
The continuing reliance on religion as a crutch. Perhaps if we weren't all waiting for something better in the next life, we'd make a better job of this one
Ginger pubic hair

There's more, but I'm just about to leave work.
hippy, I used to think like that, but its not Paula Radcliffe's fault.
All these celebrities wouldn't bother me, if they weren't rammed down my throat by the rotten media.
They employ people to keep them in the spotlight, pr guru's that twist and cajole editors to , the system stinks. Its everywhere.
She actually seems quite a nice person.
Would posh spice piss you if you didn't hear a word, no, or fockin ant n dec, who would be first up against the wall if I became dictator of the world :JOEL: , along with Ainsley harriott irritating twat that he is, scumbag Cowell, and vile Gordon Ramsey.
No, its the media again, the whipped up furore.
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