[quote="Tenson, post: 690956"]Of course, it is very easy to go along with the idea that global warming is not caused by humans... but even if that is true, it still seems a bloody good idea to cut down how much toxic crap we throw in to our own atmosphere, doesn't it? If it is humans causing global warming on this scale, then it's a doubly good idea! It does annoy me how the focus seems to be on TVs on standby and leaving lights on, though. Things like flying, the industrial development of China, disposal / manufacture of electronic goods and so on make that pale in to nothingness. These are not easy to answer but I think if the will is there, things can at least be vastly improved. I recently talked to Martin (Felix here) who is a architect, about Britain moving over to wind and tidal power. From what he was saying it is quite possible, given our large coastline, to offset a lot of our power generation to such methods. We need to actually get off our butts and do it though, on a BIG scale. ...sorry I didn't mean to write that much![/QUOTE] Quite agree with this but as recently I applied to put a large wind generator up in a field (I live on a hill and it is never 'not windy') and had it turned down flatly by the local council because it won't fit in with the look of the village and a couple of people 1/4 of a mile away may hear it! Makes a bit of a mockery of the whole let's be eco friendly thing. Apart from my personal experiences the only other major problem that springs to mind is if our pokey little country is the only one actually doing anything and the developing (couldn't give a s**t if this is PC or not) countries are going out of there way to be as polluting as possible what difference are we actually going to make? Not trying to justify anything here but just being realistic.