thoughts and views on PMC OB1's

I allways thought that bubs speeks did do bass, maybe its a cople of factors, one ear level alignment with 12" woofer in bubs setup, maybe they are also a bit lacking at the top, which seems to overemphasize the bass, maybe it's down to mana, or maybe I prefer texture and involvenent to accuracy.
An internet hi-fi expert speaks

wadia-miester said:
To be fair, PMC pulverise the atc in the bass dept, if a little fruity, but at least there is some
Really, <stifling a yawn> Tony? I suppose you must be an expert on this subject.

AFAIK, ATC produce the finest loudspeakers money can buy. Perhaps I'm alone in thinking this. But it's odd that I've never heard anything to rival them, as yet.

AK, you display your bruises with nearly every post. A mite unseemly, IMO.
The Devil said:
AK, you display your bruises with nearly every post. A mite unseemly, IMO.

James how long is it since you did first year medicine, bruises don't last that long, James I'm mearly retorting to your thinly veiled snide comments, methinks my bruises have healed, but it looks like your scars are coming along nicely.
It's not humble, Tony, and far from being solely my opinion.

But keep on banging that drum, some idiot will believe you eventually...

AK: rusty fiesta versus beemer, your choice!
ATC produce the finest loudspeakers money can buy

Come on James, surely its a bit naive to think this. Sure ATC are very good, but to say there are no other loudspeakers (studio monitors or otherwise) that are as good is a bit daft if you ask me. Surely there are other speaker designers that can do it as well as Billy Woodman, or is he some godlike figure that no one else can even approach? (after all, he doesnt even listen to his designs these days)
I do bang a lot of drums, mainly Kick/side and snare.and modestly saying I'm quite good at it too!
Mind you I'm of the understanding that self dellusional syndrome (SDS) is treatable by theropy and drugs, prehaps some professional help, might ease the symptoms James.
You are welcome any time, Alex.

So ... ATC have built up an international reputation for excellence, based on duff designs? Dream on, chaps.

AK, who was that then? Was it WM, by any chance?

I've heard Pog's system, too, btw. I really shouldn't comment on it, so I won't. He uses Isobariks. I don't like Isobariks very much (but I prefer them to the ART speakers which AK uses, by far). Draw you own conclusions from that.
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The Devil said:
So ... ATC have built up an international reputation for excellence, based on duff designs? Dream on, chaps.
ATC do make most excellent speakers, but there's no way you can say they're unequivocally the best! They're perfect for some, and not so for others..
I've heard mighty fine sounds from PMC (though it was admittedly the custom installation at the Radio 1 studio in Maida Vale - using a big bank of Brystons!), and also from Harbeth in the shape of the Monitor 40 - which is a grand speaker and isn't quite so subjectively tiring as, say, an ATC scm100.. And all for only a bit over £4k!