thoughts and views on PMC OB1's

So ... ATC have built up an international reputation for excellence, based on duff designs? Dream on, chaps.

Err did I say that? has it occurred to you that there may be a few other companies that have managed to reach the high performance standards of ATC Monitors? Just because you may not have heard them doesnt mean they dont exist.
James how can you possibly say that briks are beeter than ART speakers, you haven't heard art speakers on Mana, they only true test according to you, they might even perform a bit better than your ATC's who knows given the mysterious magical properties of Wales' finest shelving system.

And no it wasn't WM.

Tony have you heard Pogs Bub beating system too.?
I have to say, I'm afraid the answer is No, I've not heard the legendary system, so personally I couldn't comment.
I feel James maybe under stress today, so we'll give him a bit grace, its only fair
Got Billy Cobhams "Stratus" from "Spectrum" (The one that massive attack plaguerised for "Safe from harm") on at the mo', life doesn't get much better, Bliss.
Could you please read my posts properly and stop putting words in my mouth?

The Devil said:
AFAIK, ATC produce the finest loudspeakers money can buy. .... I've never heard anything to rival them, as yet.

Where have I said that ATCs are unequivocally the best? They are the best I've yet heard, by a long margin in most respects, particularly with dynamic range, ability to play very very loud without any strain/loss of the plot, separation, clarity and tonal accuracy, although I have also been very impressed by (for example) Quad ESL 63s in the latter three areas.

My favourite briks are fox's, and they have been heavily tweaked.
The Devil said:
AFAIK, ATC produce the finest loudspeakers money can buy.

ATCs are the best I've yet heard, by a long margin in most respects,

James it cannot have escaped your notice that these two statements are very different indeed. The latter is of course subjective, but entirely valid. The former is of course complete absolutist bollox - something you are of course quite rightly famous for.

FWIW, I have heard some speakers that utilise ATC drive units, but take more care in both cabinet construction and crossover design. Surely these would be superior to ATC's in house efforts. The certainly are to my ears.
For the benefit of the tape M'lud, could the Devil (hereof known as the plantif) please clarify for the Jury (the reading public),that the F[art] loudspeakers he is refering to are the ART range of loundspeakers made in Scotland and not the Audio ART speakers demonstrated at the Heathrow show with the art audio range of valve amps a week or so back for the defence & jury please.
This will help clear up any confusion that *may* have arose. Wm
The Devil said:
Midrange drivers, not woofers.

A lot better than the [F]ARTs, although this might be due to set-up and/or partnering equipment.

is this you sitting on the fence, a lot better than my farts, although.... they're either better or not!

James the number of references to my kit in particular my speakers which to you won't sound good(nothing does) until on mana ssuggest that you have some sour grapes, these comments smack of pettiness and are undermining your already shaky credibility, after all how are we supposed to take your "Golden eared" comments seriously when your are attacking my kit which so obviously made you sit up and take notice, the look on your face said it all James, you have been living with lack of texture and any kind of soundstage for so long you can't tell the difference between what is so obviously a flat earth system(yours) and all the compromises that brings, to one that has timing, musicality, dynamics, but also does texture, anmbience and soundstage (mine). James on putting one of your "testing" disks on your face gave it all away, you then rattled on about some distortion that only you could hear.

James I can accept that we look for different things, 'tis you that has the problem with others point of view, suggest you get out of your blinkers and see what else is out there, Pog's might be a good place to start.

I suggest you take Fox's stand, he likes what his does, but can accept that not everyone has the same taste, and does not have your arrogance, why should we take your word, for it, why should we beleive what the Great Dr has to say, what gives you credibility, 20 years of listening to hifi?, well I've been listening more than that and others have heard more kit than you.

I'm really looking forward to Merlins visit that will be interesting, what if he doesn't like it, of course he might, but if he doesn't does that make him wrong to.

I'm happy that you don't like my kit, as if you were so zealous about mine, i feel you would increase the sales, thus making them more popular, pushing the price up.

James I'm extremely happy with my farts and bling, endless hours of music, with texture and dynamics, absolutely sublime, if it is innacurate, I'm glad I don't have a boring accurate one like yours.

What you also have to remember I haven't felt the need to improve on mine recently unlike yourself who has just spent hundreds on more of Wales' finest shelving system. Will you ever be happy.

you will if you open your eyes and ears.

Jealously is a thing you have to get over James, if you follow others true path to remain one of the gang, (Mana, Naim, ATC) then you will never be happy, I chose my path, and consequently am happy and feel no need to tweak or upgrade. I couldn't give a toss about others opinions, and thats when I respect those opinions, your opinions are just laughable, as it wouldn't matter if you liked the sound better (Like Pog's) you would never be able to admit it as this would make you look stupid. :D
wadia-miester said:
For the benefit of the tape M'lud, could the Devil (hereof known as the plantif) please clarify for the Jury (the reading public),that the F[art] loudspeakers he is refering to are the ART range of loundspeakers made in Scotland and not the Audio ART speakers demonstrated at the Heathrow show with the art audio range of valve amps a week or so back for the defence & jury please.
This will help clear up any confusion that *may* have arose. Wm

Yes WM he's reffering to my shite Art Expression 3 way Hifi transducers as pictured in my sig, would the Jury be reminded, not to buy these speakers, as apparently they are crap, some Dr with cloth ears said so, the fact that he's a medical Dr has no bearing on it other than his arrogant stand, but really everyone should have Mana, Mana modified TT and naim cdp and pre amps with ATC active speakers, then you will be in heaven, no need to chase the upgrade path, well except for improving on perfection, by adding more shelves. You course, be happier with a Plug and play system loike mine that is not so highly strung and doesn't require masses of angle iron and tweakery to make it sound presentable.

Once, the hifi industry realises their mistake they will bow down to Sir Dr James, and all will be happy.

Incidentaly James how do you account for the glowing report on SCM150's coz there was no Mana and no Naim. So the guy must have been talking pants.
Alex S said:
AK, Bub - can I head North and arbitrate (I've heard Pog's system)?

Let us know when you are thinking about coming up Alex, although you won't want to hear my system as james doesn't like it, so not worth bothering about it, if however you want to be bored (in more ways than one) then James door is always open to potential converts.
You'll never win, arrogance of that level can not be overcome, a sad fact. His credibility is zero anyway, due to the nonsense arguments and un-supported suggestions. Leave him to it, the credibilty is accelerating towards a minus level.

BTW, I like crap systems so ill stay at yours :D
Thanks foir the sentiments Andy, I'm not trying to win, just having fun and helping(as if he needs it) his credibility descend below zero.

FWIW I have no credibility either, I never claimed any in the first place, and haven't a clue what sounds good or not, just know what I like, as you and I share a taste for crap systems trhen you are more than welcome to pop over. Just bring some music that you enjoy, rather than some test recordings.
analoguekid said:
James the number of references to my kit in particular my speakers which to you won't sound good(nothing does) until on mana ssuggest that you have some sour grapes

It cuts both ways. I haven't counted (life's too short) but I seem to read an awful lot of posts from you taking the mickey out of Mana and making disparaging comments about Bub's speakers. Either kiss and make up or ignore the wind-ups would be my advice.

WM, can I join you in that submarine? Dive!!!!

-- Ian
bit far for a pop mate ;)
I wouldnt pretend to have much if any credibility, this is due to financial restraint, and the fact that i like to listen to music, not disect the merits of every system i hear.
merlin said:
I have heard some speakers that utilise ATC drive units, but take more care in both cabinet construction and crossover design. Surely these would be superior to ATC's in house efforts. The certainly are to my ears.
Hiya Merlin. Jolly good, as they say.

I think Castle make ATC's enclosures. With respect to crossovers, I assume you are talking about the passive X-overs, of which I have no experience. With a passive set-up, the drivers cannot be in phase at X-over points. I use the actives, as you know.