Heavymental said:
Stick some banging techno on...something that thumps through your body and just keeps doing it til its time to go home. Get some dancing people in...not bloody students who want to bounce around to Oasis and Blurs Song 2.
Well the night is essential an electronica night, but what we don't want to do is become dance DJ's as neither us are interested in that. The nearest thing to Tehcno will be New Order, Kraftwerk, Chemical Brothers, Bravery and of course a new band I am championing called Performance..
We want to be different all the bars have dance DJs.
However what this night certainly won't be is a cheesy indie and larger night, we won't be playing the Jame's stadium stuff or a Park Life etc.
We will be playing Blur and Pulp but it will be more of the album tracks or singles which are not so well known as Common People or Disco 2000. I will probably have to play Blondie's Atomic later on though that always goes down well.
I am going to kick off with my 12" New Order Ceromeny as the bass is killing on that, then tone down a bit then kick of with the dancier stuff later on.
I am the DJ who plays the better known stuf and my mate will be the John Peel.
I'm going to ask some local record companies for some demo's too such as Twisted Nerve and F4 (Wilson's new label). It shall be interested to be told to f**k off by Tony Wilson!
The night will have too very distint influences the late 70's and ealry 80's New York scene and the manc scene with a bit of German's in between