tosca - suzuki

My kits on page 2 of the your kit thingy... Although it looks like it wouldn't be good for drum and bass it really is.. Although I am saving up for a large pair of JM Lab speakers...!!
Originally posted by Joolsburger
Lambs Debut album is another worth mentioning

Top Top TOPPPPPPPP album!!! The beats and breaks on there are absolutely spot on! The others are good too, but none of them get close to the debut one! One of my all time fav's!
No not the 75k ones but maybe the 1000gbp floor standers just for the extra oomph... Have to listen first tho...

Oh yeah just remembered another good set of tunes compilation albums called Straight out the cat litter.. trip hippy hop sort of stuff but worth a go..
It's not really "chill out" Michael, though some bits really do sooooooth you. In the whole it's sort of D'n'B with complex beats, hooks and female vocals! Not the repetitive stuff that often puts people off D'n'B.

I had Goreki on 12" But seems to have gone walkies. I've got a double CD single of it though, which has some good remixes and B-Sides. Trans fatty acid K&D Remix!

Look out for the *hidden* track on the album if you get it Michael.

If I wasn't trying to keep my reviews A-Z this would have been in my first ones!

amazon have it HERE with some samples.
I like D'n'B aswell MO! :D It's in the Amazon shopping basket...will wait till I have a few more CDs to add before I go through with the order (otherwise postage costs are too much).

Listened to the samples that Amazon have and it sounds like I'd like it. Now got to go back through the thread looking for some of the other stuff I hadn't heard of :)

Oh my God! I just listened to the samples on Amazon for LemonJelly's "" and it went straight into the basket :D Wonder how I've never heard of them before :confused: "Lost Horizons" also in the basket :)

But for another one that hasn't been mentioned: Blue States "Nothing Changes under the Sun" is excellent. They've got a new album out "Man Mountain" but I haven't heard it yet (in the basket now, why not :D ).


That's the spirit trooper!

Now add all of David Holmes back catalogue!

Oh and Ruby's "salt peter"! yeah chuck that in too!

Erm.... Amon Tobin, Talvin Singh, Archive, Krush, Krust, Luke Slater......

Get them all!!!!!
michael: ky is awesome, 'his majesty king raam' is one of my favourite sleepy time tunes. i've heard a bit about the blue states album but never listened to it, let us know how it is

i think dj shadow deserves a shout here, especially endtroducting

loadsa recommendations to check out, u gotta love it when there's too much stuff to get ;)

edit: MO! good shout on david holes, i only recently discovered just how good it was when i sat down and listened to lets get killed, any paticular albums u recommend?
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Originally posted by sg[uk]
i think dj shadow deserves a shout here, especially endtroducting

Yeah, but surely Michael has this already! I mean! It'd be criminal not to!!! Private Press is worthy of purchase too, but endtroducing is where to start!

For David Holmes, I've not got "Let's get killed". But shall be adding that soon. I got "Come get it I got it", and thought YAY!!! I'll have some MOre of that and so added "This Films crap let's slash the seats", "Bow down to the exit sign", and "Presents the free association".

They're all very good. "This film's...." is MOre a straight techno album, while the others see a MOre unique style. Excellent sampling, funk, punk, hip hop soooooooooooooul and great beats :D

Got Archive "Londinium" on at the min' too. Add that to the cart Michael! Quite dark, chillout trip hop sound. Some edgy female rolling vocals and some rapping on parts too. Hints of portishead.
Originally posted by MO!
Yeah, but surely Michael has this already! I mean! It'd be criminal not to!!! Private Press is worthy of purchase too, but endtroducing is where to start!
Correctamundo MO! :D Hmm, would like you like to catalog my CDs for me :lol:

entroducing is the only DJ Shadow CD I have though but it's a corker. Mentioned it on the other thread where I was saying that I didn't think you could really call DJ Shadow "hip hop" ;)

On that subject, where does hip-hop end and this kind of music begin? I mean, they used to call Portishead "trip-hop" (is that term still used?). OK, so the basic beats and breaks are very similar (sometimes identical) to hip hop music but I really think it's something different alltogether.

btw MO! - I got aim's "hinterland" yesterday - wicked record! Thanks :) Will see what other stuff of their's is in the local HMV before I go back home to Portugal for another 2 weeks today :cool: (where I doubt it's available).

Because of you buggers I have just laid out about 50 quid on Amazon, thanks guys!

Is it worth getting Work by Orbital?
Another one metioned elsewhere but not yet on this thread is Royksopp's "Melody AM". A really stoking record. A bit more upbeat than the rest mentioned here but if you like the stuff here, you're bound to like it aswell.

I could have sworn I wrote a little mini-review of it here but I can't seem to find it :mad: Bloody forum - will have to have a rant at the admins :SWMBO: :D

good to know you're all down with dj shadow, i imagined you would all have endtroducing but there could be a few lurkers who don't (if this is the case go and get it now!) - the new one is out now 'diminishing returns' - the first part is very hip hop and the second a bit more chilled with some old rock influences.

mo: i've heard free assosciation and really liked it, probably go for 'this films crap' first tho for a bit of a surprise

michael: without going too far into genre splitting i was thinking along the same lines recently. although the beats are generated in the same way, hip hop definitely has more edge in the rest of the music. an mc helps of course. bands like the herbaliser are really on the edge of this distinction in a lot of their tunes imo. what do you lot go for in terms of hip hop? i'm a big j5 fan but am listening to format and yoda a lot lately (anyone hear yoda's recent essential mix?)

i also picked up hinterland yesterday and on first listening it's top! i really enjoyed the mix of chill out, hip hop and even a few crunching basslines. one of the tracks really reminded me of stevie wonder / fingertips - not sure which one now, maybe i was imagining it

melody am was killed for me by too many bloody mobile adverts!

edit: oops 'diminishing returns' isn't out till next week, unless you have friends who are handy with cdrs that is!
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I find the sound quality on Melody FM is really poor although there are a couple of good tunes on it but yeah played to death on TV.
Melody FM? Isn't that a cheesy radio station? I think the album's called Melody AM ;)

Yes - overused in ads, but I still like it. Same goes for Moby. Once "Play" was no longer flavour of the month for the ad guys it became nice to listen to again.


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