Troy McClure says. Get confident stupid!
Seriously, you need to ditch that sig line as Gary says...seeing that every day isn't going to make you feel good about yourself, and don't get hung up about spelling....some of the greatest entrepreneurs come from appaling backgrounds and had terrible education. Confidence masks a thousand flaws so accept you're not that great at it and move on...or do something positive about it so you are good at it.
I hope that you're just using this site to voice your worries and that this isn't a reflection of what your like on the outside. If it is you're not going to get a job very easily. You need to be dynamic and change your attitude to 'can do' rather than 'don't think I can do that, wibblewibblewibble'. As others have said...go to any interview you get offered if humanly possible (I think job centres pay for you to go don't they?) if you're not confident about interviews then going to loads of them will sort you out. Better to mumble and sweat in job interviews you're not that bothered about and then by the time your dream job comes up you'll be like Parkinson in there! You get to know what questions they ask, usual protocol and how it all works. Get familiar with the environment so you're happy in it when it counts.
Come on AT, take a deep breath and fkin have it!
Oh and get some exercise and eat healthy, that'll give you a better outlook on life!