Turned down an interview :(

Well AT if it makes you feel any better I have just started the job hunt as well. I have finished my (3rd!) course on sound engineering and while I look for a career in that I need a job to pay bills. Even looking for any old work is hard, and I have a lot of skills to offer. You are doing well to get an interview! Even the general labor agency near me doesn't have any work for a month.

I can't speel either.
Maybe working for myself might be a better thing to do if I don't find work. It can't be that gloomy can it otherwise we would all be out work. The problem is working for myself is easier said than done.
What do you want to do?

I am setting up a business myself but I plan to do a day job as well.
Tenson said:
What do you want to do?

I am setting up a business myself but I plan to do a day job as well.

Not sure what I can do, I was thinking of perhaps producing web content sites and specialising in producing websites for small businesses.

If I did this I would probably work part time in a supermarket as well for social reasons and I coudl quit that if my DJ thing took off.

I am certainly not going to spend years moaning that I am un employed though. For now I will just keep busy by doing lots of DIY around the house and applying for jobs.
Web building is slow, my dad does that (and is VERY good) and has to teach as well to keep the bills paid.

If you are good at DIY there is a huge demand for carpenters. I'm pretty good myself so I was thinking of entering in for an exam to get a qualification. The last one I saw was offering £16 an hour for 45hours a week. If you have brickwork and plumbing skills as well you can get that pretty easy. The annoying thing is I can do woodwork and plumbing but I don't have qualifications in it so that's a bummer. Like I said I have a lot of skills but not much luck in getting a job without much workplace experience.
I wouldn;t turn down most interviews (if I was in your shoes) - you can gain experience from them all...plus, you will hopefully gain confidence from each one, I'm aware that you're shy, this also needs to be worked on...try going into town and saying 'hi' to a lot of women for example...most of them will look at you as tho you've got 2 heads, but it'll become eaiser the more you do it... ;)

If you dont cheer up, I am going to haul my fat arse down to manchester, and fill you full of booze and drugs, and make you shag the best looking tarts they have to offer at gunpoint.
Tenson said:
Web building is slow, my dad does that (and is VERY good) and has to teach as well to keep the bills paid.

If you are good at DIY there is a huge demand for carpenters. I'm pretty good myself so I was thinking of entering in for an exam to get a qualification. The last one I saw was offering £16 an hour for 45hours a week. If you have brickwork and plumbing skills as well you can get that pretty easy. The annoying thing is I can do woodwork and plumbing but I don't have qualifications in it so that's a bummer. Like I said I have a lot of skills but not much luck in getting a job without much workplace experience.

I've seen a lot of jobs in the area for web development I guess it depends how many jobs there are. I can do DIY but becuase of my co-ordination difficulties that kind of work is a big no no.

I do have a niche when it comes to web development so I hope that will help me, as I can do all the accessability stuff as well as Microsoft .NET. where a lot of people applying to those jobs only use CSS becuase they think it looks good and can only do PHP.

I am not worried about in the long run its just the short run I am worried about.

Paul - Hehe its just so depressing looking for work when I am already down anyway because of my grandad.
AT....as Troy McClure says. Get confident stupid!

Seriously, you need to ditch that sig line as Gary says...seeing that every day isn't going to make you feel good about yourself, and don't get hung up about spelling....some of the greatest entrepreneurs come from appaling backgrounds and had terrible education. Confidence masks a thousand flaws so accept you're not that great at it and move on...or do something positive about it so you are good at it.

I hope that you're just using this site to voice your worries and that this isn't a reflection of what your like on the outside. If it is you're not going to get a job very easily. You need to be dynamic and change your attitude to 'can do' rather than 'don't think I can do that, wibblewibblewibble'. As others have said...go to any interview you get offered if humanly possible (I think job centres pay for you to go don't they?) if you're not confident about interviews then going to loads of them will sort you out. Better to mumble and sweat in job interviews you're not that bothered about and then by the time your dream job comes up you'll be like Parkinson in there! You get to know what questions they ask, usual protocol and how it all works. Get familiar with the environment so you're happy in it when it counts.

Come on AT, take a deep breath and fkin have it!
Oh and get some exercise and eat healthy, that'll give you a better outlook on life!

Troy :D:D

Sorry about your Grandad AT...hope this doesn't sound too harsh at a time when you're feeling down.
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Heavymental said:
AT....as Troy McClure says. Get confident stupid!

Seriously, you need to ditch that sig line as Gary says...seeing that every day isn't going to make you feel good about yourself, and don't get hung up about spelling....some of the greatest entrepreneurs come from appaling backgrounds and had terrible education. Confidence masks a thousand flaws so accept you're not that great at it and move on...or do something positive about it so you are good at it.

I hope that you're just using this site to voice your worries and that this isn't a reflection of what your like on the outside. If it is you're not going to get a job very easily. You need to be dynamic and change your attitude to 'can do' rather than 'don't think I can do that, wibblewibblewibble'. As others have said...go to any interview you get offered if humanly possible (I think job centres pay for you to go don't they?) if you're not confident about interviews then going to loads of them will sort you out. Better to mumble and sweat in job interviews you're not that bothered about and then by the time your dream job comes up you'll be like Parkinson in there! You get to know what questions they ask, usual protocol and how it all works. Get familiar with the environment so you're happy in it when it counts.

Come on AT, take a deep breath and fkin have it!
Oh and get some exercise and eat healthy, that'll give you a better outlook on life!

Troy :D:D

Yes I suppose I better change it, if the job was somthing I knew I was good at say web accessability or ASP.NET then I would be quite confident but as this interview was about somthing I didn't know much about I just thought it would do more harm than good and knock my confidence for other jobs.
Just keep plugging away AT...you can only learn from bad experiences and maybe feel a bit stupid for a couple of days but its better to go through that and come out the other side than have spent those few hours doing nothing. I'm sure you weren't doing nothing as it sounds like you're keeping busy but you know what I mean.

Anyway...if they had given you the job you could always wing it or learn stuff on the job from other people there. You know your way around computers so you're not likely to hit a wall like alot of people. You've got to bear that in mind....if someone asks whether you can do something, you probably can. Might take a few hours experimenting but you'll get it in the end so don't say 'No' in an interview...say you've worked with it a little bit and you're capable of getting to grips with it quickly. Thats no lie I'd imagine.

Anyway...change that sig line..."It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen." Muhammad Ali.

You're affirming the wrong stuff at the moment AT!
come on AT get your finger out and go to the interviews before the dss get on your back and make you work making chicken muck Donald's. the dss will ask you how many interviews you have had, they expect you to have at least 2 a week rightly to.
GAZZ said:
come on AT get your finger out and go to the interviews before the dss get on your back and make you work making chicken muck Donald's. the dss will ask you how many interviews you have had, they expect you to have at least 2 a week rightly to.

Thats ok becuase the DSS don't even know I exist :) My motto is no taxes paid no taxes claimed :D

I am not signing on until all my money runs out which will be soon.
There's a trick to interviews............you need to get the upperhand, I don't mean by being arrogant or aggressive. But there are ways to swing the dialogue more in your favour.

Before we left college we were given a number of mock interviews and guidance was given how to conduct yourself in variouas situations.....There must be loads of stuff on the web about it.

One way .....do your own research into the company find out as much as you can

work up a number of tough and specific questions about the area to which your applying.

This sort of thing will help build your confidence, and should help your prospective employer get a better insight into you.

Also remember they may well have someone for the job already but by law they need to go through the procedure of an interview !
Ignore them AT, answer a question with a question; "why do you want this job?" to which you reply "why do you think I want this job?" etc etc. You wont go wrong.
AT, there's a lot of luv and good advice being given to you in this thread. Are you going to do anything about it?
AT -

This negativity is a self fulfilling profecy. Be aware that if you don't take every opportunity you will probably not find the right job for you.

I know it's a Cliche but, you will only regret the things you didn't do, not the things you did.

HiFiWigWam said:
I know it's a Cliche but, you will only regret the things you didn't do, not the things you did.

Unless you catch a dose of the clap, of course.
I've applied for all the jobs now which seem suitable there is nothing more I can do until more jobs start to me advertised in a few days time. I have also registered with agencies etc.

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