
Sm seems to consider that he occupies a special place in the cosmos. He will "young man" you if you give him any sass.

I am sure they will find my visit an education.
I didn't like the Kuzma much but I'm sure that Bub can rest easy that the SME 30 is miles worse and the 20 miles worse still.

I was a bit underwhelmed by the Kondos. I preferred the cheap (18K) preamp to the expensive one (which may have been broken) and the Dynavector power amp (with the cheap Kondo pre) to the Kondo power amp. And with the LV I marginally prefer an A21a to the DV. I think I could buy 100 Sugdens for a Kondo pre/power.

All this leaves me confused as to whether I like valves or not - I liked Mic's.

what I dislike is people who post on forums in an authoratitive manner having only ever owned maybe two pieces of decent hifi in their lives. It is of course the nature of the beast, and the web is littered with critics singing the praises of the only hifi they have owned.

Forums are primarily a source of disinformation as it is difficult if not impossible to seperate these people from the truly knowledgable. It's rather like someone telling you that Piat Dor is the finest wine in the world because they have only tried that and Blue Nun.

So no need for experience when listening to music - just when giving out advice to others IMO.
Let be basic Nick, your knowledge is pretty pidgoen holed and serious blinkered.
Weather you feel SM is chasing your non humour chip or not, you do need to listen to a few well sorted home systems.
I've really have yet to hear any PMC/Bryston sound totally engauging & make wish to sit and listen. To my ears (which do occupy a place in the cosmos as do everyone elses) I find the combo good nothing more.
I'm not interested in how many rock stars or recording studios own them, that has no bearing on my personal tastes or indeed a great many personal tastes.
SM - in your opinion based on your kit preferences. I have owned a great deal of kit and listened to a great deal more. None of which you know anything about, its pure supposition on your behalf and so woefully out of tune with the reality that you completely undermine yourself. Your self appointed position of authority is one I currently see no reason to accept. You would gain a better audience with me if you were a bit less high handed and stopped trying to diss my opinions by making unsubstantiated statements about what a secret cadre of dealers may be saying about me.

Wadia - there is doubtless something in what you say, however you seem always reluctant to step up to the mark to actually backup your statements in more detail so I cannot as yet derive anything useful from your comments. The only factor on which I base my decision is sound quality. Nothing else matters to me. I have heard a wide range of kit covering a wide range of philosophies and I have made my choice accordingly. If you can present a new viewpoint to me then I will listen with an open mind. You will earn nothing but my gratitude for doing so, I am completely without prejudice. I will sell my setup in an instant if you can show me something radically better.
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The useful content of Mr Tony's posts is that he believes that his CD player is better than the SME 30. Which is very useful indeed, in my book.
You have piqued my curiosity - do you doubt WMs statement or do you doubt the sme as a result?
Tony also felt that my Marantz CD7 was better than the SME 20 on some stuff.

Let us not forget that he often refers to us as "earthlings"
It still remains to be seen whether the SME 20 is the very worst purchase a discerning buyer can make.

I am on tenterhooks, I tell thee.

As an aside: I got home last night, turned the central heating way up & sat in my undergarments listening intently for the improvements a heated bearing would bring about... I think I may have heard something just before I passed out... hard to say. I will be doing more tests tonight, full report tomorrow.

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