
He's probably demmed it at Walrus (longsuffering dems 'R' us).

What I find slightly odd is that he doesn't appear to know very much about the Series V tonearm...particularly as he claims to have owned one....
Please be so kind bub as to tell me what I dont know about the SME V. They might supply it to the buyer that way but the demo unit at the shop is a different matter.

Bottleneck, if you like your kit then fine but what you have described isnt "high fidelity" its something else. Nothing wrong with that but lets call a spade a spade, and nobody said the truth had to be beautiful. Some people like to sugar the pill. Tell me what you have and I will tell you if I have heard it.

God knows what made you think I am a trekkie. I am more into watching documentaries and world cinema for the record.

have you heard a pre-amplifier that I built from scratch, and have changed most of the components in since new?

or my speakers, which I've changed the crossover in for new components and added a tweeter to?

see, its silly
I was joking - is his system in the kit thread?
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The Devil said:
He's probably demmed it at Walrus (longsuffering dems 'R' us).

If anyone is "longsuffering", it surely must be Walrus...imagine how they must roll their eyes in resignation at the sight of brizon-bloody-biovizier walking through the door.....yet again!
No they rub their hands in glee and think of their retirement being brought closer. BTW I only demmed decks at Walrus a few years back.
brizonbiovizier said:
Please be so kind bub as to tell me what I dont know about the SME V. They might supply it to the buyer that way but the demo unit at the shop is a different matter.
If you'd owned one, then you'd know exactly what I was talking about. ISTM that you are "bull****ting" us.

If I was a hifi shop owner, you'd be such easy meat.
Absolute rubbish. I have a pic of my sme V setup. If I worked for a mag writing reviews you would be the easy meat!

to be honest bbv you do seem a bit out of your depth regarding experience of high end hi fi.
i find your logic flawed since when are bryston or pmc technically perfect products. they are far from it , both having very particular 'colorations' or 'character' .
even though pmc now distribute bryston in the uk i have heard bryston sound better with many other brands of speakers and vice versa with the pmc speakers.
i used to be a rep for the importers and can tell you bryston are not the best sounding amps in the world.
as regards pmc's they make ok speakers i do prefer to use more agile tuneful speakers when i'm monitoring for mastering as i find them a bit on the slow and veiled side of studio monitors.
i have worked continuously in the music industry since leaving school and was born in 68' i think you can do the math as regards experience. by the way in your picture i would suggest your speakers may be to close to the left wall and could do with a tiny bit more toe-in to reduce refections from your bare walls.
I don't want to labour a point, but this remark of yours:
brizonbiovizier said:
Yes but they didnt adjust it [the SME Series V tonearm] and left it as sme intended.
...shows that you know nothing very much at all about the SME V. Which is odd, considering you are an enthusiast, and an ex-owner (allegedly).
Daryl this thread isnt about PMC or Bryston so why have you brought it up? I will be interested to hear however which amps you think suit PMC better than bryston. All speakers have character it is unavoidable but some have less than others. Horns have more than most even the good designs that I like such as the avantgarde duos. I dont recall claiming PMC or Bryston are the best - they are simply the best for me from what I have heard so far. Which is quite a lot.

I experimented with toe-in and rear and side wall placement. As the PMCs are very directional the side wall isnt so much of a problem. The listening position and optimal angle of each speaker with the listener are also constraints and seem to take precedence. Obviously in an even larger room with room treatments (sometime late this year...). I can get the best of all possible worlds.

As regards high end turntables I have heard literally dozens. I too come from a rigourous technical background and I know how to appy sound methodology to make my choices. Contrary to bubs day dreams I have also owned and setup an sme V.

It means the arm setup obviously they have to fit the cartridge align it and alter those parameters that pertain to it. However the relation of the arm to the deck will be correct. Which is my meaning. Which you missed. I did then state about cartridge alignment if you recall.


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