
There was some info on the PFM thread on that area.

The link I sent describes the arrangement in further detail.

Bub that depends on the properties of each material. In this case they move closer togther.

The BLG and SME 30 are a similiar price. The brinkman oasis would be the same price as the sme20 I guess.
greg said:
Am I being silly in thinking the SME in question is just over 1/2 (approx) the cost of the Brinkmann?
Exactly. If the SME performs well enough to kick the Brinkmann into touch, as SM thinks it does, then the Brinkmann owner will become rather exercised - as we observe here.
There is no "right" answer correct - however its not looking for an answer or examining all the possibilities that is "ignorance". As is invoking someone else as a guru rather than actually having heard any of the decks.

You might find that in some respects the advantage of the sme over the linn is not that large in some areas.

I await your dem thoughts with some interest.
brizonbiovizier said:
You might find that in some respects the advantage of the sme over the linn is not that large in some areas.
That's OK, I am not expecting a "large" difference. Any improvement will be fine -- I am a pragmatist.
In that case I would suggest that you examine the relative performance of the linn and sme most critically in those areas best exposed by rock and dance. On classical the sme will stomp the linn.

I think you should expect a large difference all around for that outlay. I certainly would.
The Devil said:
Exactly. If the SME performs well enough to kick the Brinkmann into touch, as SM thinks it does, then the Brinkmann owner will become rather exercised - as we observe here.
IF it exceeds or matches in the areas you want it to then superb. But even if it only comes v.close the money saved is a considerable sum indeed.

Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt buy without at least demoing, though I acknowledge sometimes a combination of other people's opnions, lack of time and a gut instinct can reap rewards. However the difference in cost leaves me hoping Mike's opion proves fair. The Brinkmann and indeed the SME 30 are completely out of my reach and exceed what I would consider spending anyway, but the SME 20 is at least in principle something I could aspire to.
A few minutes. I guess it also alters the viscosity of the oil which will also have an effect. With the heater disconnected the sound is still class leading in terms of timing and dynamics but the heater takes it up a notch.

Greg - The brinkmann oasis or the cheaper yorkes beat the sme20 for the same price IMHO. As you say it is more fair to compare the BLG with the sme 30.
You have to keep in mind that part of Bub's motivation is probably to de-Watsonize his system. Seen in that light, any deck that is not unbearably worse than the Linn will do.
greg said:
The Brinkmann and indeed the SME 30 are completely out of my reach and exceed what I would consider spending anyway, but the SME 20 is at least in principle something I could aspire to.
The SME dealer reckons that the difference between 20 & 30 is negligible.
Markus Sauer said:
You have to keep in mind that part of Bub's motivation is probably to de-Watsonize his system.
I expect that's true in whole or in part, though I dont blame him really.
I dont need to bub.

Will mana atc naim be next? The SME will certainly shake things up a bit.
The 30 is over twice the price of the 20 - and its a much more capable deck. I would comapre the two for yourself. If you keep talking everyones word all the time and buying without comparison then you will just end up going in circles.
What phono is bub using? If its naim change that and the pre will make a big difference. The active atc is competent enough and not holding back the system.
brizonbiovizier said:
The 30 is over twice the price of the 20 - and its a much more capable deck.
Yes but as I understand it, Mike is proposing the 20 exceeds the LaGrange. Whether the 30 is better than the 20 is not the issue. If it were then the financial impetus would disappear.
This heated bearing is fascinating.

Is the heat localised, or does it warm the whole deck? Could it melt your vinyl?
I have compared the 30 with the BLG - I bought the latter. I have also heard the 20, which isnt as good as the 30.

Haha no I beleive the bearing heater is 12W and the platter is 35kg alloy. No chance of "the china syndrome".
The heated bearing is a transistor which is fastened to the underside of the bearing housing. A small current is put through it which holds the bearing in a reasonable range of temperature, slightly above room temperature I believe. It will most definitely not cause vinyl to melt.

The LaGrange has a very good reputation in many parts of the world. I know someone who has it and thinks very highly of it, having compared it to many competitors.

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