
Yes its a power mosfet. The tolerences on the bearing are very tight but the heating improves things just that little bit more.

I spent a lot of time listening to every deck I could find. Only three decks could play everything I wanted to play even handedly.

Is this person on the forums markus?

Bradders - nope the heating will work in a very localised fashion so that there is a local temeprature gradient I would imagine. I suggest you look at some of the reviews on the site or the manual for further details.

Brinkmann is a new name in the uk but on the continent he is well regarded. Lack of familiarty does not imply lack of competence.
Which may or may not be justified. Bub hasnt even heard the sme20 yet ordered one. On the basis of looks and reviews. Purely marketing inspired confidence.

I havent heard accuphase - just curious.
BBV, some people just make their purchasing decisions differently & don't feel the need (or have the time?) to test every option, and for some it would seem some options are not options due to predefined preferences.

It is no skin off your nose, as they say.
Lots of brands don't bother distributing in the UK. The market is not very large and extremely crowded. The only reason to seek distribution in the UK for the average continental manufacturer is the review coverage. The British press is disproportionately influential simply because it is published in English.

The actual sales will be negligible.
Indeed not - but thats what discussion forums are for right? However bub hasnt currently tested any option. Which is why I am so interested to hear his opinions both before and after the deck arrives to see how they tally on the basis of expectation.

Markus - yes I am not surprised. I assume the german, US and japanese markets are much larger. Plus we tend to buy british - and nothing wrong with that per se so long as we keep an open mind. But we sadly beleive that if we dont know about it then it cant be any good.
brizonbiovizier said:
Which may or may not be justified. Bub hasnt even heard the sme20 yet ordered one. On the basis of looks and reviews. Purely marketing inspired confidence.
Reviews aren't "marketing".

The SME 20 has a fearsome reputation, which will survive your personal listening "findings". You are a sample size of one.
<< Anyway life is too short for tedious turntable demos, and discussions like this one. >> Just 7 posts since . . . Get a grip, old chap.
Bub, maybe the delay in delivery of your 'table is because the dealer hasn't actually been able to transmit your order to SME yet, as he'd have to stop kicking himself first for not selling you the 30 ...
I was rather surprised, I must confess. His words were "it would be very unlikely you'd hear any difference". Maybe he thinks I'm deaf, or the rest of the system is no good, but he did say "nice" when I told him the context. SME have confirmed the order.

btw, what's "wrong" with the 52? It does seem to get panned everywhere I look.
brizonbiovizier said:
... I would suggest that you examine the relative performance of the linn and sme most critically in those areas best exposed by rock and dance. On classical the sme will stomp the linn.
This is something I don't understand - unless you know very little about Classical music.

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