Upgrade thoughts......


I'm going to say, when you made a comment about bubs system being slow, he didn't flip said naff all, do you have a magic ring piece or something? :D , when I mentioned on hfc 2 years ago, he threw a turbo wobbler, "atc's being the fastest driver in the known 18 parallel universes" you haven't got a clue, yardda yardda.
Now this was merely an observation not a jib.
It would also be unfair for us to make unfounded judgements about absolute prefection. shame on us :D
His sytem is far from perfect Robbo hifi wise, however it does play music well and I havce to sya does have some nice base, but to me the midrange is recessed, and the treble a bit sibilantly, the soundstage is a bit compressed as well seems to be coming from between speakers and doesn't through the stage out at you which is my preference, it's not bad just not my cup of tea, also seems to lack a bit of body and texture, but this may be linn/naim effect, Bub says he hasn't heard my system properly as it isn't on **** and couldn't comment on it till then, I suggested his pre was a t fault for the shortcomings I found (which were of course entirely subjective), and have persuaded him to let me bring my pre and use in place of the 52, (I have heard his cdp in another system, (DMN pre power (23watt one) and proac tablettes)and all the sound stage etc was there, he has agreed to do it so far although we don't have leads so anyone got a pair of din to RCA or balanced I can borrow (we wouldn't want to give him any excuses to pull out) to tyr and then we could post it back. Of course when he reads this he's npt gonna let me do it.

One other thing I found out about James, He likes this angle iron rack stuff called Mana or something :)
wadia-miester said:

when I mentioned on hfc 2 years ago, he threw a turbo wobbler, "atc's being the fastest driver in the known 18 parallel universes" you haven't got a clue, yardda yardda.


I don't think your observations are taken quite so seriously these days.
Tony how come you can spell obscure words like "yardda" with consistency but fail with all them words in the dictionary, which you should try reading, I read a dictionary once, not much of a plot but i liked the way it explained every word as it wnet along :)
analoguekid said:
His sytem is far from perfect Robbo hifi wise, however it does play music well and I havce to sya does have some nice base, but to me the midrange is recessed, and the treble a bit sibilantly, the soundstage is a bit compressed as well seems to be coming from between speakers and doesn't through the stage out at you which is my preference, it's not bad just not my cup of tea, also seems to lack a bit of body and texture

Right AK, thanks for that. Now if I might be so bold as to highlight the bit that actually matters..

it does play music well

Now if you are listening for all the other stuff, you have lost sight of your goal IMO.
Yeah Merlin but mine plays the music well too AND does all the other stuff, why have one or the other when you can habve both. Oh and I didn't say I was right (which you claim all the time) I sau=i it was not to MY Preference.

So get it up ye, ya pointy hatted argumentative windbag:)
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BTW Paul sorry for the thread hijack but this kinda happens a lot round here, especiallly when the Cheltenhaaaaaaam massive are awake, which I'm sure you will enjoy when you've benn around a while.

Good to see you fitting in here so well :D
Did you get completely outclassed when the Ninja was unleased for a sonic assault on your eardrums?
You'll be for the high jump when he comes back, you'll get 40 lashes you know and a visit form thre high priest himself :eek:
Not me spelling pemance old boy, it's my dyslexic typing, i spell the words correctly but my fingers do "teh ooposite" if you know what I mean. Thought you meant the bravado from drinking allowed me to post such derogatory comments of James' wonderful system, I mentioned them to James when I was there and we worked it out.

BTW don'tcha think it's ironic that dyslexia is such a hard word to spell.
Tony I heard the Ninja on stuff that i know and stuff that I don't, yes lovely bottom end and not too bad on soundstaging, but I still prefer CD I enjoyed the Cds that were put on, better. I defence of analogue the advantage for me was in older all analogue recordings, such as DSOM by the Floyd, I have remasterd copy and it don't sound so good, but still much prefer CD presentation overall, it's a taste thing I suppose, and Merlin that is an opinion, not the law acording to AK :) anyway TTFN, on to a promise ;)
and the treble a bit sibilantly

Sibilance is basically distortion. I thought the system was distortion free! Although not having heard his system, it seems to me that the full potential of his mighty ATCs is not being realised by his choice of CDP. (this I have heard) There are much better available.

I am not making any more comments though as James doesnt have the right of reply.
Robbo I noticed more sibilance with elpees than with cd's could the distortion (if thats what it is) be coming from the TT, oh and to me it sounded a bit better with my ears at speaker height.

As James is not here I ahve to add that I discussed this with him and these syptoms, were obvious to my ears, I may of course just be deaf, so nowt wrong with his system, per se just commenting on the minor things I heard, James did some critical listening of my system and was happy to point out the faults that he heard (Dunkyboy and I couldn't hear them) , spose I'm just returning the favour.

Have to say though the bottom end in James' sysytem was very nice very fruity warm impactfull bass, the faults I heard were subtle and IMHO are down to his "flat earth" front end(s).

It's the hottest time of the day here, so a quick internet browse in the shade...

It was a good night. Layo & Bushwacka! Night Works (vinyl) was I think one of Paul's favourites.

I honestly don't know what is meant by the words 'texture' and 'body': just weird hi-fi-speak to me.

I am looking for something that will sound like a real live performance, given a good recording, not like a hi-fi system. I think that the soundstage should appear as if it is in front of you, like it would at a gig, not all around you. So I think AK and I are looking for very different things. We certainly have very different systems.

I think the CDS2 is one of the best CD players in existence, and the NAC 52 is widely acknowledged, too, as one of the greats. But that's only an opinion, some of you know far better, as always!

Sibilance is often present on recordings. When you say 'S', it sounds 'sibilant', if all is as it should be. The amount of sibilance varies from recording to recording.

There is a trace of distortion still present on some records (Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights is a particular bete noir with some end-of-side tracking distortion on vocals), but AK couldn't hear it when I played it to him, happily for him!



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