julian2002 said:
sorry bd you've lost me....
i'm not sure what you're problem is here.
you have a source which creates an analogue signal. this is then converted into the digital domain at a very high sample rate and this is digitally amplified and then re-converted to a louder analogue signal.
where is the upsampling in the amplifier section?
No problem... it's really my fault because I cannot explain myself better. I will try one more time...
Like you say, I have a source which creates an analogue sound. This is then converted into the digital domain at a very high sample rate... ok, so far so good.
Now, why do I need to create an analogue signal prior to the amp?
To have a very high sample rate re-conversion into the digital domain?
Certainly not!
What do I gain then?
What do I loose?
(69) If I had perfect DA and then AD conversion... I'd loose nothing. At some point I'd have exactly the same digital data stream as that from the transport output.
So, where is the upsampling issue?
Taking an analogue signal which was converted from 16bit/44kHz data and then convert it into the digital domain again at a very high sample rate IS EXACTLY THE SAME THING, PROVIDING I HAVE A PERFECT (69) SITUATION, AS TAKING THE NATIVE 16bit/44kHz DATA STREAM AND THEN UPSAMPLING IT, BY INTERPOLATING NEW CALCULATED DATA (equivalent to new samples from the first case AD conversion), TO A VERY HIGH SAMPLE RATE BITSTREAM WHICH WILL DETERMINE THE SWITCHING FREQUENCY OF THE MOSFETs AT THE AMP OUTPUT.
The MOSFETs at the output will be switching at exactly the same very high sampling frequency in one case or the other... and in the same sequence.