julian2002 said:hmmm,
i don;t thing sampling an analogue signal at a high sample rate IS the same thing as upsampling.
A digital amp with analogue inputs is essentially an ADC + 1-bit DAC both working at a very high frequency rate (typically 500kHz to 1MHz).
If you bypass the ADC stage (I think Wm does it) and feeds the bitstream DAC directly with the data from the CD transport output, what do you have?
You have an upsampled bitstream signal with a changed sample rate of 44.1 kHz to 500 kHz! The ADC stage doesn't change this... unless you already have an upsampled signal of say 192kHz from which you upsample again to 500kHz.
But what about the analogue signal, you ask?
Well, in this case the difference between the analogue signal (prior to the amp) and the digital one is the staircase shape of the latter which is smoothed out in the former. Now, just imagine the staircase-shape signal (with the smoothing line designed over it - the analogue signal) and then think about what sampling at a much higher frequecy (which is not an integer multiple of the former) will do to it... nothing more, nothing less than interpolate new samples between the already existent samples forming the staircase-shape signal. THAT IS UPSAMPLING!!!
julian2002 said:sure if you are using a cd as your source then you are going to have a lot of wasted bandwidth above 22.1khz but with vinyl or dvd-a etc. then a sample rate of 400+ khz is going to be fine.
Sampling vinyl is absolutely stupid... you'll necessarily loose information even further and you loose what is for many regarded as its intrinsic advantage over digital media.