Vitamin, Mineral, and Herb Ban

Originally posted by The Devil
It takes years before the big bucks arrive
It certainly does. One of my best friends from school studied medicine and he's now the same age as me (35) and is only just starting to reap the monetary benefits now that he's a neuro-surgeon when I've been coining it in IT since I left uni :)

For my friends' first 5-10 years as a qualified doctor he was earning so little it was shocking really. Here's someone who was saving lives daily getting paid per year what I was getting paid every couple of months for helping to make some rich banks a bit richer :rolleyes:

Tell me about it. I worked about 100 hours per week for my first five years after qualifying, and even then earned only very slightly more than the average UK salary. This was because in those days overtime was paid at 30% of the standard hourly rate.

Money was most definitely not the motivation. I did meet a lot of nurses, physiotherapists, radiographers and female doctors though.
Originally posted by The Devil
BTW, I am reminded of a story I was told about someone's interview at my med. sch.

"Why do you want to study medicine?"

"I want to help people"

"Prostitutes help people, have you considered becoming a prostitute?"

Tears, and a swift exit. She wasn't offered a place.
So what you are saying is the problems come from the top. Have you ever considered that aswell as being educated, you might have been brainwashed too?

A lesson for you James. It is very important for a patient to be able to trust a Doc, no trust, no patient = no job!

You come across as someone I wouldn't trust with a rabbit, let alone my health..........

With regards to it taking years before the big bucks arrive, this is the carrot is it not? and when the dosh does arrive you are more than well rewarded. This is true of many proffessions, not just Doctor's.

I've know some truly stunning Doc's, but I've also seen a few very bad examples. This is true of most walks of life, but Doctor's are placed in a position of trust that can affect the life's of many, so high moral standards should be part of the training IMO, infact I thought it was.......spose I was wrong eh!
Hi Nico. Didn't you think the interview story was very funny? Oh well, never mind.

You are right, though. I am not to be trusted with a rabbit.
Originally posted by The Devil
Hi Nico. Didn't you think the interview story was very funny? Oh well, never mind.

I suppose it could be funny in the right context, but you are talking about a real life situation and I have far more respect for women to be finding that funny.
is anyone going to defend the right to supplement?
Yes's my life and my body so I'll ingest what I see fit for me! Sod the anti supplement plebs. Legislation over supplement's will just give rise to a black market!
Originally posted by penance
considered arsnic?
Listen if your ever in a pub near me, I would definately consider spiking your drink with arsnic!

It's pretty obvious you don't like me being on your fav forum, so instead of trying to bait me I'd suggest you toddle off and read another thread :rolleyes:
in one, i dont like you. You do nothing but have a pop at others and complain about 'woe is me'
If i was in a pub near you it would be celebrating the napalm bomb i just stuck under your arse
Re: Now now now

Originally posted by mick parry

That is not very nice now is it.


Neither is threatening someone with arsenic or napalm, or indeed admitting you don't like someone you've never met.
I suppose it could be funny in the right context, but you are talking about a real life situation and I have far more respect for women to be finding that funny.

You are brilliant at completely missing the point. Not so hot with the apostrophe's (sic) though.
Originally posted by The Devil
You are brilliant at completely missing the point. Not so hot with the apostrophe's (sic) though. [/B]
Bit like you then eh! I mean why drive a wannabe BMW with M badge's, that's what I call missing the point! Don't your patient's pay you enough to buy the real thing, can you only aspire to the badge's (sic)
Re: Re: Now now now

Originally posted by Barnie
Neither is threatening someone with arsenic
You were the one who talked about spiking drinks with arsenic.

Once again it's almost beyond belief that two adults can descend into petty kindergarten fights over nothing :rolleyes:


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