Vitamin, Mineral, and Herb Ban

Originally posted by Barnie
Michael what is this?
Oh FFS, grow up! "But he started it Sir!" :mad:

Now, to reply to your question (I can't believe this explanation is necessar but here goes anyway): That is a joke. It's not a threat. However, you suggesting that you would spike someone's drink with arsenic is a threat.

If you can't return to the forum without getting involved in stupid fights then perhaps you're better off out of it. I'm starting to regret giving you and another recent banned returnee the benefit of the doubt.

" rant ... why drive a wannabe BMW with M badge's, that's what I call missing the point! Don't your patient's pay you enough ... rave"

Hey! You dissing my car? Bet it's a f*** sight faster than yours, so ner!
Oh, and btw Nico (and anyone else who is also unable to work it out for themselves) the point of the interview tale was that "I want to help people" is the least informative answer to the question possible. So facile that it's worthy of a Miss World candidate. It's hardly a leftfield question at an interview for medical school.

That was why they stuck the boot in, not because of any disrespect for women.
Originally posted by The Devil
Hey! You dissing my car? Bet it's a f*** sight faster than yours, so ner! [/B]
LMFAO Is dat cos ya got da sticker's man!
Now, to reply to your question (I can't believe this explanation is necessar but here goes anyway): That is a joke. It's not a threat. However, you suggesting that you would spike someone's drink with arsenic is a threat.
Joke's eh Michael, the joke's on you mate! I'm sitting here laughing at you lot cos you think your winding me up, but in reality some of your poster's are wound up just by my presence here..............that's what I call funny, perhaps you don't get my sense of humour eh!
:D :D :D :D
I spose your gonna ban me for laughing at ya now:rolleyes:
Nico, you seem to have an interest in, er, 'badge's' on my car, though how, why & where you developed such an interest, I will never know, ho ho, wink wink.

FYI, there are two 'M' badges, one on each of the doors. These denote that the car has the M3 suspension modifications. They were put there by the car's manufacturer, BMW. If you still have some kind of weird issue about these 'M' badges, for example you might feel that they don't belong on a 328i sport coupe, then I would suggest that you take the matter up with BMW directly. Personally I feel that they 'give the game away' a bit, but that's just me.

It's amazing that John is still interested. I would suggest that he gets out a bit more often.
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Originally posted by The Devil
Nico, you seem to have an interest in, er, 'badge's' on my car, though how, why & where you developed such an interest, I will never know, ho ho, wink wink.

It's amazing that John is still interested. I would suggest that he gets out a bit more often.
Alright then I'll spell it out for ya!

Firstly I read on a forum about your 'badge's' and it made me laugh so much I never forgot.........

Why do I find it so funny? Well you are obviously not aware that I hold a City & Guilds as a Motor Vehcile Technician. At 19yrs old I raced my road car at Santa Pod raceway......13.8sec quarter of a mile, built the engine myself, so what you drive and think is fast, to me is like a bloody Amstrad of car's.

These days I drive a very understated Audi.

Get over yourself James. Your chosen fast car is funny, but I suppose you only "snigger" at other people's expense eh!

Best regards

How will I ever get over such a put down? Nico used to have a faster car than mine. But now he has an understated Audi instead. 'N he's got a City & Guilds an' all.

How's your forum going, Nico? Is it still even quieter than the Mana one?
So you don't think BMWs with wannabe badge's are funny then

Why don't you post on the Mana forum? You've got quite a stack of Mana afterall...............
So you don't think BMWs with wannabe badge's are funny then

I have very little idea what you mean by a "wannabe badge". Quite a few BMWs have 'M' badges on them: JW's own 535i Automatic has an 'M' badge on the boot lid, but it is not the same thing as an M5.

I've assumed it refers to some modification or other, but I would once again refer you to BMW's Motorsport division, who put the badges on, for full details. I am sure that they will help you.

What sort of Audi do you drive? Anyway, this is a hi-fi forum, and your system is crap.

Why don't I post on the Mana forum? Why indeed?
If Barnie's forum was any quieter, you'd call the morgue. Not even Marco can be bothered to post there, even though he has hinted that with a couple of carefully worded posts he could make it the center of the known universe.

He's proably still carefully wording. On the other hand, he may be more sensible than that.

Barnie/Nick, it's quite tiresome that you're looking for trouble wherever you go. You could spend your time doing something more constructive. You'll find it's more fun.

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