WAF - they don't know how lucky they are...

Aw shucks Tony :( I know you are upset when you post like that - so I'm sorry.

Only a light hearted jape old boy - you seem to be unusually snappy these says :(

oddles of love :)
ok merlin i may be mistaken but i don't think the guys from deep purple (rock gods though they may be to some) are 20 ft tall. which is how that system portrayed them, as though it had to fill it's very wide and tall soundstage and the only way to do this was to stretch the performers to fit rather than filling the empty space with the venues accoustic. this wasn't so noticable with a large orchestra. of course this is only my subjective impression of the speakers and system but as someone asked the question i felt obliged to answer.


You mis understood sir, (must be my bad vibe give off week this month :D )
I was congratulating you on your astute sense of preception, realism becomes me only when I'm in the presence of a repro man. a most excellent piece of rye whit sir. I am slow this morning, its been a long 10 days, by friday I'll be back to my usually obnoxious self :) T.
julian2002 said:
ok merlin i may be mistaken but i don't think the guys from deep purple (rock gods though they may be to some) are 20 ft tall.

Ian Gillan was touring some eastern country where men weren't allowed to have their hair touching their shoulders (they had to cover it up), for religious reasons, so IG decided to go through customs with his hair laquered straight up, this would make him about 20 feet tall. (true story)

damn, my bad - i guess the system was being realistic after all. i'm impressed by the mans' hairs' guitar playing ability though.

So Julian, what size image do you think an enormous turbo sound stack would have produced at the concert then? Or was it purely acoustic? Just thinking out loud you understand.
penance said:
/pedant mode

So he was 20' tall due to hair standing up.
Wouldnt the geeetar still be at normal play level?

/pedant off

Prolly would but Ian Gillan was vocalist Mr Richard Blackmore was guitarist, and he was a midget. Jon Lord Played hammond organ and used to stand on stool and hold on rope attached to front of keyboard (like waterskiing) but this would only make him about 8 feet tall, ian paice played drums and was about 4 1/2 feet sitting down and roger glover was bass player but he was shorter than blackmore.

But maybe they were wearing platform boots that were popular at the time.
not knowing the way the recording was done and how it was mixed i couldn't tell you all i can say is that the rock part of the concert sounded overblown whilst the classical part sounded of a more realistic size. this suggests to me a system more adept at playing classical music (or possibly big band, large groups of musicians anyway) than smaller 4 and 5 piece bands and all the electronica i tried (although for different reasons).

He wasn't too short Paul, your height I believe, as for being a bit of a twat, I feel dressing up in medevil gear and talking to fairies proberbly counts in the higher twat factor catorgy :D
One played football with him and a few memebers of Iron madian in hotel carpark in Bremmien? at 3.30am after a few sherberts way back in the dark days :cool:
julian2002 said:
come on tone the soundstage from them when we heard them was amazing. yes they weren;t the most 'musical' speakers around but for someone like graham or other classical buffs then they would be perfect.
Interesting comment about the soundstage. I haven't heard the speakers but the layout of the tweeters in particular doesn't seem to bode well for good imaging.
I have stood next to him at a party,many years ago,and he ain that short,(its my one and only claim to fame that I once told Gillan I thought the Gillan band were shit,and he just blanked me out,as you would do a 14 yr old who was pissed on half a can of Old English)


he is a wizard now,and has reputedly renounced music,so gliding makes sense!
The Devil said:
They look great, but the room they are in is totally unsuitable: the ceiling is far too low for them.

Says the man currently building the towers of Babel in his living room :D .
Yes, but even with the new Mana on the way, when it's installed, the speaker tops will stand at six feet and will still be seven feet beneath the ceiling. This gap eliminates any significant ceiling reflections because of the inverse square law.

Disco Towers are go!
Saab said:
I have stood next to him at a party,many years ago,and he ain that short,(its my one and only claim to fame that I once told Gillan I thought the Gillan band were shit,and he just blanked me out,as you would do a 14 yr old who was pissed on half a can of Old English)


he is a wizard now,and has reputedly renounced music,so gliding makes sense!

I actually liked Gillan band lots of fun in their music, DP were better though.

RB still using glider as he is still learning on his broomstick no doubt

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