WAF - they don't know how lucky they are...

Greg is right on about the metabolism...

I used to think lowering the house's temperature would make me loose weight, but read the other day your metabolism will slow down to compensate, so you better of with a warm house regarding weight loss...
greg said:
I would add that metabolism (or rate of) is more important than simply trying to balance calories - ie. if you eat less your body tries to compensate for the apparent famine by slowing down so you suffer and dont lose weight. Oysters have no ability to store fat but have a ubiquitous supply of food, Polar Bears have the ultimate ability to store fat, but finding food is very hard. Modern humans have the food supply of an Oyster and the ability to store fat of a Polar Bear. Oooh look at that pie!

was aware of this Greg better to eat 5 small meals a day than 1 big one, body goes into "famine mode" if food supply drops, and if you eat too much too oftern you end up with more glycogen storage which in turn uses more insulin which is more likeley to make you diabetic(in simple terms).
Going back to the room at JJ's Sounds Of Music, personally I love it. ;)
Made my significant other go in there and look at the setup whilst I picked up my new Shearwater Kestrel Hotrods (Thanks WM, Isaac!). Somehow my new speakers were a little more acceptable after seeing that... :D
BTW tried the Lumleys (the 200s)...no emotion for me, Kestrels thrashed them.

The Atkins only really works if you take a lot of excersise.(at least 30 mins a day).I porked up and used it to lose 2 stone,but i started swimming again,and without those 20 lengths a day it would have been a waste of time.And you get donkey breath.
oh,and if i ever see another f**king egg again...........or chicken for that matter

I actually like Gillans stuff now btw,I said what i said after Mr Universe,and as a stupid 14 yr old brought up on Made In Japan and Zeppelin Mr Universe was awful,but of course now I like it.Apart from Jimmy Pages Outrider,I think his solo stuff was the best of all the big band solo stuff (not if you include Rainbow though,Long Live Rock And Roll is still a great lp eveb today)
Saab said:

I actually like Gillans stuff now btw,I said what i said after Mr Universe,and as a stupid 14 yr old brought up on Made In Japan and Zeppelin Mr Universe was awful,but of course now I like it.Apart from Jimmy Pages Outrider,I think his solo stuff was the best of all the big band solo stuff (not if you include Rainbow though,Long Live Rock And Roll is still a great lp eveb today)

Best for me (not gret Mr U fan) prefered the second lineup. MAD, No laughing in heaven, and Born to kill(prolly my fave) "you take a piece of wood, and,......join it to An,...other piece of wood and then you, do it all again, and soon you have a house,... alittle wooden house" what a start to a song priceless, Best song with Gillan in it for me has gotta be "Child in Time" live, not the MIJ one but the one on "24 Carat Purple" absolutely first class, the Blackmore/Gillan vocal/guitar duel in Strange Kind of woman is also way better on this album too. If you ain't heard it I could copy tit for ya (for evsaluation purposews only mind)
I have it,thanks though:) 24 Carat is one of my most abused lps,i really should replace it,Simply Vinyl do it i think

Highway Star is still my fave Purple track,they wrote it in 5 mins on a bus becuase a journalist asked them how long does it take to write a rock song

they don't make 'em like that anymore
Highway star 'A song about fat larry' and his carlos fandango wagon, Black Night was written on the Bus, on the way home pissed up, Black Night<>don't feel too right :D it was a rip off, of a Ricky Nelson song.
Y'Know the funny thing for me with DP is I can't get on with their studio albums, just sound flat and lifeless once you've heard the live stuff, wish more like 'em were still around, when making music was still fun, loved their sense of humour, if only the band had the squeaky voiced slave driving control freak that is Mr J Anderson on the mixing desk (but out of the writing process)one of the only rock bands of the of the time to get production bang on IMO then the studio albums would have been Magic.
Made In Japan is one of the best recordings for demonstrating the capabilities of the Tact i have ever heard - sit down hit play and crank it. You are there - it's spooky.

Highway Star was written on a bus,so said Mr Gillan in the TV documentary

agree re Jon Anderson
agreed,but then again,ya don't get great stories like climbing through windows into deserted hotels and recording your lp in a corridor because Zappa burnt ya previous hotel down.Thats what I call great recording quality,a tale behind the music:)

I am not sure I agree with Bub when he states there aren't any bad recordings,only systems not able to make them sound great.I have just bought some remastered Jethro Tull,the first 3 LPs remastered onot CD,and to my eyes they are unlistenable,just pisses my off when I stick them on.I doubt they would sound great on a 100k system.

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