I can see where merlin is coming from, wipe everyone out, would solve one problem, but lots of innocents would also die.
And that is precisely what they are fighting for, to stop the west wanting to wipe them out.
Al-quaeda don't seem to have a discernable agenda. they just seem to want to kill people who don't give 2 hoots as to what they do, who don't know them, don't have anything against them.
they kill women, children, fathers, muslims, christians, everyone without reason, just cos they want to. Some of them appear to be normal people, too. And what does it achieve?, just broken lives. pain, suffering. It won't get them what they want, if anything.
What is the right punishment for 200 lives gone for ever? how can you give justice? maybe torture is right for these sub human creatures.harsh words, if there is no heaven, no hell, no punishment, thats it, end 200 peoples lives, hopes dreams....sad beyond words
bizarrely, they think they will get 12 virgins in heaven for killing people. Innocent people not opposed to them, muslims, too.
They are truly backward, and deserve to be strung up in the centre of Madrid to let the people at them.
Cowards, too, slinging bomb vests on people who could be taken up in the moment, and then remotely detonate them from a safe distance. they should do the job themselves.
Blair could look really isolated if Bush goes...