merlin, here are some quotes from your earlier posts:
In the long term fortunately, Arab oil wells will dry up and so will their ability to affect world stability. Until that day, I would rather have Americans trampling the area under foot than leave it to a group of people with nothing but hate in their minds.
that the whole of the Arab world will cease their hatred of the western ideals?
History does tend to show that when left to their own devices, the arab world is incapable of living peacefully with both it's fellow Arabs and it's neighbours, let alone it's hatred of Judeism which dates all the way back to Muhamed himself.
I don't see how the above can be interpreted any other way than that you view all Arabs (ie, the race of Arabs) as "people with nothing but hate in their minds", full of "hatred of the western ideals", "incapable of living peacefully" and having a "hatred of Judaism".
You're not singling out extremists or talking about a minority you're making fairly strong derrogatory comments about an entire race as if those things were intrinsic properties of that race. I call that racism.
Then about Islam:
It is a little know fact to many that the prophet of Islam, was infact an accomplished military leader who spread the new religion through force. Doesn't that worry you at all?
The Qur'an is, among other things, a handbook for rules of war, prescribing the laws of treaties and of booty and commanding the faithful to Jihad, (holy war) against any who interfere with the practice of Islam.
You're clealy trying to portray Islam as a religion based on violence and that violent "holy war" against non-muslims is an integral part of the religion. Those kinds of completely incorrect views (often repeated by such bastions of tolerance as the Daily Mail) unfortunately do a great deal of harm to the reputation of Muslims and it's not surprising that a many Westerners have an image of all Muslims as violent, potential terrorists at heart.
The term Jihad has now been so massively misrepresented in the West that there really is little hope of getting most Westerners to understand it's true meaning which is about the struggle with one's inner self. Literally, it means, "exertion" or "to struggle". It means spiritual warfare, to battle with one's own demons in order to give oneself over to God, in order to place oneself in "the arms of the wind". It's aim is very similar to the path to "enlightenment" sought by Bhuddists through meditation. The term has unfortunately been grotesquely perverted by some extremists to include a "holy war" against infidels.
In answer to your questions, I don't know which post you are referring to but if it's the quote about the history of Islam then, no, it is not factually correct, as I've just pointed out above. You talk about "stating historic facts". You know as well as I do that it's very easy to make "historic facts" take on whatever slant you want them to. It's very difficult indeed to write a truly unbiased account of any historical event. I've no doubt that you could find any number of anti-Semitic websites which have a "factual" history of the Jews and Judaism that would portray Jews in a very poor light indeed without actually making any statements that were factually incorrect. The thing is, it's the
whole truth that counts, not just the bits that support your argument.
To your other question "Why butcher 14 year old Buddhists in the name of faith ?", it's not really particularly relevant to this discussion. The vast majority of wars in human history have been about faith and religion. People kill other people in the name of faith. It happens all the time (sadly). It's not really constructive to the discussion to pick out one emotive example that happens to be about Muslims killing Buddhists.