I have a sole in the freezer. I intend to eat it soon with a butter sauce and some capers. Lovely
You are are witless fool.
You only require butter on sole. Capers are so yesterday.

I have a sole in the freezer. I intend to eat it soon with a butter sauce and some capers. Lovely
I don't believe in ' God ' being a unique divine entity in itself, rather that, it is the sum of many enlightened souls. It has evolved as the soul and spirituality of man has evolved over time. It has in itself no divine powers, is unable to directly influence the outcome of catastrophic events or interfere in our mundane or otherwise lives. It has no axe to grind in how we live our lives, does not support any one religion over another. In fact the very practice of many religions will only make commune with this higher energy less achievable. The power and strength available if you wish to use it however is immense, for any race, color, sexual orientation, disability or any of the other names used to divide us.
Homeopathy can indeed work, it works on children and animals, like most things it is not necessary to prove something works for it to work, you don't need to believe in it, for it to work, it can work even when the subject is unaware they have taken anything. However like many therapies you need to find the one that works for you.
Dousing has been used for centuries by many cultures, only those who wish it to fail will fail to succeed. I can do it and I know of many others who can.
Of the healing methods practiced world wide, but excluding the ones that involve large amounts of money and no empathy for the client, I believe they all tap into the same energy source. If you are a spiritual healer you may consider this to be the work of God. If you have a huge ego you may consider yourself to be special. I however believe that we use the universal energy that exists all around us, and when I practice healing with my paying clients I am acting much like a battery charger. Purely giving their body the energy required to heal itself. Yes distance healing can work also. Much as in any form of healing including western medicine it may not be effective on everyone, and when healing with energy the client has to want to get better, it does
Not matter if they believe it will work or not, but that they have an open mind. It is very effective on children and animals for this reason.
I have experienced Psychic phenomenon and therefore I believe, I don't know if I would otherwise.
Prayer, when used for the benefit of others, people or animals, not when picking your six numbers on a Friday, is just another form of distance healing, although more diluted. It can and does have an effect.
There must indeed be life after death, even excluding my own past life issues. When I held my new born son and looked at his face he stared intently into my eyes, not the blank stare of a puppy, but the intense cognitive gaze of an old soul, I admit I found this rather disturbing, however after helping my wife take a bath it had gone, replaced with the more usual confused and overwhelmed look. Some hold to the notion that at the moment of birth the knowledge and experiences of the re-born soul are forgotten.
We do indeed have a soul; some however are damaged, feeding on negative energy. You all know one.
I have seen a dog collapse into a feint on being taken into the dungeon of a castle, and upon being removed immediately recovering. No he was not scared of the dark or being underground, he had visited other castles and dungeons. It was according to the guide used for the torture and execution of many people. Have none of you experienced the powerful energy that exists within some churches and other buildings, usually ones where people gather to worship for the good of others. I doubt it exists when the only cause is the death and destruction of another race. This can still be felt when the building is empty and has been unused for many years.
excuse any typos.
How can you possibly be 100% sure on each of these questions?
Is this lack of any spirituality the reason that you describe yourself as "Lothario and Libertine"? Perhaps your views will change when 'YouAreMan'?![]()