What do you believe in ?

So then 60% think prayer is bollocks.

I would think some of that 60%......are, shall we say, undecided.

BTW, it beggars beleif to me that anyone can say they are 100% certain of anything. Certainlyiin this pole. Always pays to keep an open mind. IMO anyway.

I would think some of that 60%......are, shall we say, undecided.
And some of the 40% didn't believe in God!

Oh and Yep, I'm still open on the tooth fairy and father Xmas.
Its Lamboy. I know its a little hard to read.

Surely if you are not 100% certain about something, then you are a little uncertain at the very least?

Be careful about that open mind - it can let all sort of nonsense in:)
Be careful about that open mind - it can let all sort of nonsense in:)

It's good to let a little nonsense in, and an open mind also allows some to get out too :).

I personally am certain about very little (apart from tax and death blah blah blah etc etc..), but that's ok, life would be boring if we knew the answers to everything.

In some ways I sometimes think that it might be nice to have a 'belief', as it would make things so much simpler (just follow the godly herd), but in truth it all sounds like a load of pap to me. If I had to choose a belief I'd go pagan, as it makes more sense to worship things you can see like the sun, moon, and earth, and I might get to join in on some entertaining pagan activities like running through the woods naked during the full moon. Actually they probably didn't/don't do that, but they should.
Well, on the whole I received the replies I expected. With contributors as eloquent as bob it's no wonder that the forum lives up to its ironic name, after all that's what one gets most of the time.

I would bet money that the forum would be a more interesting place with more and varied contributions, were it not for the usual suspects who believe (in deluded bliss) they know all the answers and like to pass them selves off as an enlightened sage.

They are, however perceived as Parsley the Lion
Parsley the Lion?

My favourite character from 'The Herbs' and one I'd personally love to be like in person!!

Here he is!!


I'd much rather talk about 'the herbs' than a 'spiritual' side of hifi.... probably on the wrong forum!!
Well, on the whole I received the replies I expected. With contributors as eloquent as bob it's no wonder that the forum lives up to its ironic name, after all that's what one gets most of the time.

I would bet money that the forum would be a more interesting place with more and varied contributions, were it not for the usual suspects who believe (in deluded bliss) they know all the answers and like to pass them selves off as an enlightened sage.

They are, however perceived as Parsley the Lion

You ask the questions, we answer em. If you dont agree, then fantastic. Thats whats great about zerogain. Aside from threats and name calling you can have a topical discussion.

BTW, if you are a religous person, superb. It would be dull talking to a bunch of agnostics about god and spirituality.

If you dont agree with my answers please feel free to respond. I prefer discussion over outright despondancy.
lAmBoY, I'm thinking of my brother who needed to find some water for his house in the middle of nowhere in North Wales (about an hour from Robin & Mandy's old flat). After vainly wondering where he should drill, he asked his neighbours who are hardened farmers what they recommended. They suggested he got in touch with 'Dai the Douse'. Dai was called, came in, did his thing, a hole was dug and water gushed forth. Of course, one could say that it was just a question of probability.

Still, if Dai the Douse had performed remotely, over the phone say, then success would seem even more unlikely. And if Dai had been dead at the time, I myself would have great difficulty in believing that his spirit could be contacted from beyond the grave and detect water.

So, what I'm saying is that perhaps there are degrees of improbability. Would you agree, and, if so, which of these would you believe to be the least improbable? Could you put these in order?

A: The existence of a God.
B: Homeopathy
C: Dousing
D: Healing
E: Distance Healing
F: Psychic phenomenon
G: The effect of Prayer
H: Life after death
I: Existence of a soul
J: A building or place contains a perceivable energy

Note: anyone can play, not just lAmBoY.
OK, my 2p (and probably worth less.....)

E, D, A, G, H, F, I, B, C, J

Dont wrap my knuckles for having some in the wrong order, I would prefer to categorize GHIFAD seperately due to having a more religous slant.
BTW good skills from Dai, he should work for Severn Trent! Better still, if he could really do it, put him somewhere useful where the need for water is more important. He could save lives!
There is no right or wrong order. IMO.all this stuff is faith-based; you either believe in it or you don't. None of it, as far as I know, has been borne out in scientific trials and some of it (eg the existence of God, life after death) is by its very nature unknowable. I'm a sceptic, but am open to proof of the reality of any of the relevant phenomena (though if God intends dropping by my place, I'll need to have a good tidy-up).
OK lAmBoY, can we look at F which is in the middle of your 'unlikely of unlikely' list?

F: Psychic phenomenon

1. Have you ever had the sense that someone was looking at you and then turned round and found that they were?

2. Have you ever started thinking of someone just as the phone rang and it was them?

3. Has anyone ever started singing a song that's been going around in your head?

These are, I think, all examples of Psychic phenomena so if you've answered "yes" to 1, 2 or 3, you might want to revise your list.

What do you think?
1. Have you ever had the sense that someone was looking at you and then turned round and found that they were?

2. Have you ever started thinking of someone just as the phone rang and it was them?

3. Has anyone ever started singing a song that's been going around in your head?

These are, I think, all examples of Psychic phenomena .

These are, in fact, all examples of coincidence.
Every time? You're 100% sure beyond any doubt?

99%. I can think of maybe two oexamples of that type of thing in my life that went beyond coincidence.

How many times does the phone ring and it's not someone you're thinking of? How many people are likely to phone you anyway?

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