The Devil
True. There's loads of bad hi-fi out there. Price is no guarantee of quality.PBirkett cannot be denied that some hifi gear makes bad recordings sound awful.
True. There's loads of bad hi-fi out there. Price is no guarantee of quality.PBirkett cannot be denied that some hifi gear makes bad recordings sound awful.
The Devil said:Sorry, but Erase & Rewind sounds absolutely superb!
ditton said:I have never liked Abba, but I do now have a Mana stand. Should I bother to borrow one of their CDs?
This is very wrong. Most people on here listen to a fairly narrow range of music, that is produced for comfortable reproduction in a BMW and is probably OK if you don't listen closely. However, there are any number of truely awful recordings out there.Bradders said:If we assume that you're listening to an original pressing then I'd say there are very few bad recordings out there,
The Devil said:Try "Elephant" by The White Stripes, or "The big come up" by The Black Keys for a similar 'live gig' feel.
My point exactly.Bradders said:Some of the pop stuff produced for kids/clowns may suck, production wise - I don't put that sort of stuff on my system so I can't really comment.
Bradders said:When discussing actual music of any relevance/merit, I'd say there are very few bad recordings out there.
One that comes to mind is the Diary of Alicia Keys. This is an album that has some good ideas, but which has had the life squeezed out of it.TonyL said:What is a bad recording in the context of rock or pop?