Oedipus, you are correct I know little about electronics, do I need to, i listen to music, not electronics, I was posting these things in the hope that you would explain why they are not better, as to the word pro, that makes little difference to me but is in fact the full name of the mechanism, the phillips drive is one of the best there has been, however it was initially built to a budget, bow have just upgraded what they felt was degrading the sound. Have they achieved this, who knows, i haven't heard a stock mechanism
You are a very bitter little person aren't you, the only tiome you pop up on this forum is to post contentious replies from well meaning posters, you are the sad one in need of therapy, why should you care what I have spent my money on I noticed a difference and the price I paid for it was worth it, I have no need to know how or why this works, it just does to these ears, but then you wouldn't know that as you've not heard my system have you?
When you have then come back and argue properly, and argue about the things you have experienced rather than read about, you must be a sad lonley little man, spose your pseudonym kinda fits in a way.
Why is it that the naysayers take great pleasure in telling the rest of us that it can't be proved therfore it doesn't exist, no one has met God, but it doesn't stop people beliving in him, I suggest they may be jealous, coz their wife won't let them have a proper hifi, and they're too scared to argue with her.
Anyway oedipus I won't respond to any more of your posts, as either you know too much for me, or your so sad it's not worth the bother, you work out which one it is.