What should I spend my tweak money on!!?

having heard the a good system on mana i can say that if you like what it does then you'll love it. personally it's not my cup of tea but certainly worth trying out, just to rule it out if nothing else. i think there is a little bit of mana that you can stick 1 bit of kit on to see what all the fuss is about and if it doesn;t float your boat then i believe there is a money back period or you could sell it on pretty easily.

Well, had you? And if so, for how long each time? And how far apart were the visits? Your comment seems half-baked to say the least.

I think that the only way to evaluate it is in your own system, in your own room, but no doubt julian you are much more of an expert in these matters than me.

And in what way precisely was it 'not your cup of tea'?

Oh, forget it, your opinion is your opinion, and I really don't care what you think, to be honest.
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wadia-miester said:

Tim's heard my set-up about 3 weeks ago's, took him a while to get his around it. A big departure from what he normally listens too.
Mind you, I've been at it since, a few more bits and pieces on dsp section :D

Glad to hear it - must say I'm long overdue largely because I'm long overworked :rolleyes:

Tim - I was more talking about WM's flying cables + foo foo box visit targeted at your place - your system, WM's applies his power/signal path tweaks. From what I have heard its worth the experience.
suit yourself james. but that's hardly in the spirit of a forum i.e. 'A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas'. still i'll shut up now, though it's your loss in the long run, closed minds and all that.


You lot arguing as usual. I shall try mana one day. I'll go for one of their big racks and see, I'm just very unsure about the overall effect of racks, I was told by everyone that it was better than changing a component, err... no it wasn't but maybe I chose the wrong rack....

For the time being I've gone with a Ben Duncan.... (non-disclosed price above £200, well it's only money!)....

Fingers crossed!!!

Now what components should I use it on? Oh yes, and if I plug two power amps into it a) will it handle the power and b) will they interfere with each other and mess up the conditioning?

I like WM's system, but it's soooo different from mine, I think I'd have to listen for a solid week to get used to it. Hey WM, you're still welcome to pay a visit (along with the rest of you lot). Just let me know!

Thanks all, Tim
The Devil said:
Oh, forget it, your opinion is your opinion, and I really don't care what you think, to be honest.

Bub if you dont care what anyone thinks why do you go to such efforts to raise the subject of Mana so consistently? Dont get me wrong - I've never experienced Mana, but I am interested to do so along with several other seemingly contraversial "products"/"systems" at some point or other. However I am amazed how you are so emphatic then often end with "I really dont care what you think". The same seems to apply to your ATCs - again these interest me, but not significantly more than a few other "items". Its like to you there really is no alternative that even comes close.
The Devil said:
I can't be bothered arguing with you people any more. I thought you were supposed to be interested in hi-fi, but it's just male jewellery with most of you. As long as it looks the part, you are happy.

Mana is about getting the best possible performance and sound out of your equipment. If you are not interested in that, then that's fair enough.

Yeah Bub to a certain extent you are correct, however yours is kinda jewellry too its, just more kinda lether belts with lotsa studs like wot bikers wear, and your kit isn't exactly good looking at the best of times(at least not in a home furnished kinda way), and the Man kinda enhances the industrial/pro audio look of your gear, to be fair on the mana bub, most of us mear mortals don't or won't get a chance to try mana properly, like with all them phases as you have, 1 aesthetics, 2 aesthetics, 3 cost. Our other halves just wouldn't let us get away with it, so for the sake of domestic harmony we go for good looking stuff in order to get away with spending the holiday fund.
Tim F said:
b*llocks to aesthetics, I'd stick an ugly girl in my system if it made it sound better...

Yeah but if I came home with Bub amounts of mana I'd have to find an ugly girl to sleep with as the missus woulda left me............Hang on a mo,..........Bub can I borrow that mana stuff and those big speakers......

Tim you can have good looks and good sound if you look hard enough.
This tweak is the best bar none - accept no imitations.

Use the money to buy some equipment to grow weed. Honestly, that is one tweak that can even make a cheap minisystem sound like a Levinson. Or something like that :D
greg said:
Bub if you dont care what anyone thinks why do you go to such efforts to raise the subject of Mana so consistently? Dont get me wrong - I've never experienced Mana, but I am interested to do so along with several other seemingly contraversial "products"/"systems" at some point or other. However I am amazed how you are so emphatic then often end with "I really dont care what you think". The same seems to apply to your ATCs - again these interest me, but not significantly more than a few other "items". Its like to you there really is no alternative that even comes close.
The guy asked for a £200 tweak.

OK, a Mana rack is a bit more than that, but not that much. As soon as anyone (usually me) mentions Mana, you always get a load of people who have never actually tried it in their own systems (apart from deaf tones) spouting nonsense about it.
The Devil said:
The guy asked for a £200 tweak.

OK, a Mana rack is a bit more than that, but not that much. As soon as anyone (usually me) mentions Mana, you always get a load of people who have never actually tried it in their own systems (apart from deaf tones) spouting nonsense about it.

I never said it didn't work mate only that it's looks were challenging.
tried biting my tongue but it didn't work. so james, just because someone disagrees with your opinion they are spouting nonsense. oh the ego.

julian2002 said:
tried biting my tongue but it didn't work. so james, just because someone disagrees with your opinion they are spouting nonsense. oh the ego.


Had a laugh at this julian, try saying your "thententh" while biting your tounge

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