What should I spend my tweak money on!!?

You know fine well, thats not 6 eyes on your avatar thats you joining in with a sleazy webcam sesh and thats your head boboing up and down just as you reach the tickly bit that is.

lets face it there would be no internet if it wasn't supported by all the porn sites.
As a Mana owner I don't think swapping your current rack for a Mana rack would make much of a noticeable difference. Mana racks ony really start to make a difference when you have a bunch of sound stages under them which are £200 a go.

If you fancy a trip up the M5 with your rack I'm more than happy to setup a comparison with a Mana rack.
julian2002 said:
hey, leave my shpongle alone.


It's ok Ju you can take your teeth off your tongue now!

Sphwhat? Please explain, Oh and if I have upset some symbol of meaning, then for that I am truly soree, a thousand pardons, may my innards be torn from me on my deathbed by a thousand blck ravens.......... :D
if you like that check out the other simon posford stuff from
hallucinogen and celtic cross. there's also an ozric tenticles remix cd - floating seeds that has some similar stuff on it.

Have a coupla 3 of the ozrics meself, first sampled one reminded me of "sploosh" from "Strangeitude", been looking for the Shen as well, but kinda hard to get, have you heard Bonobo, or Badmarsh and shri, also new Will white (propheads) cd is prety good
not heard bonobo or badmarsh and shri. do like the propellerheads though but not heard the will white cd. i'll have to do a trawl on amazon for them. thanks for that.

Benobo and B&S are more kinda asian/far eastern influenced, can't remember the name of the will white one I'll look tommorow but I got it in HMV, Plump Dj's eargasm is good if you like prop heads, Another that may take your interest is the Arabesque comilations very far eastern very good, another leftfield on "dead Can dance" "Aion" played it in James' house the other night and he loved it, used to have it years ago but lost it and only just got it on amazon.
i've got a couple of dead can dance albums, serpents egg and some others i forget. quite like the far eastern stuff too so i'll look into those as well. looks like it's time to buy another hard drive...

Hi Paul,

I have both 'Are you Shpongled' and 'Tales of the inexpressible' on vinyl, remind me to play them to you the next time you are up.

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