Whats your speaker Journey??

Very short journey for me.

Late 1997 - Omni Audio - Yes I was stupid enough to buy those big ass black speakers out the back of a van. However my mate bought a pair the same day, for twice the price !

Early 1998 - Kef Q35 - punchy little floor stander, superb spread of sound

1999 - Kef Reference 2's - Incrediably punchy, full of drive floor stander. Seems to work well all music I have, never felt compelled to change them. Roseta Burr, finish !

Future - Contemplating a pair of Kef Reference 4's, Proac Responce, or something like Living Voice.

Forgtot to add, always had Rel Stadium II for the low down work
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mission 731i
tdl rtl2
mordaunt short ms30i classic
mission 752 freedom
royd abbot
martin logan aerius i
audio physic tempo jubilee (currently)
B and w 601? I think
dynaudio 50s
spendor bc1 Still have and beats many new models..not on bass though
Lowther accousta....£10 for the pair from oxfam charity shop in Wolves!!!! I still pinch myself when I think about this one!
Wilson Benesch arcs
Spendor s100 current circa 1992..very good large 3 way
1979 - Marantz 3 way midsize box
1981 - Boston Acoustics 3 way, 100x50x15 cms, flat against the wall
1984 - Pentagram, 5 side pyramid, ribbon tweeter, dome mid, 8"woofer, 12" passive radiator on the bottom, 3 way
1986 - KEF 104.2, 3 way
2000 - Sonus Faber Concerto, 2 way
2002 - Sonus Faber EAII, 2 way
2006 - Schallwand Sangreal single driver open box, 1 way

I am loosing drivers... ;)

I have to confess that I have subwoofers since I lost the third way, plus supertweeters since I lost the second way... ;)
I had no idea that so many people change speakers so often! There's a heck of a lot of experience here. Perhaps some could give me a hand to overcome my particular problem, in the quest for beautiul music (Rotel and B&W post)..... Thanks if you have....
They look interesting. Are you getting them shipped over from the States (assuming you're in the UK?), or is there a UK supplier?

Active crossovers direct from the States, even the drivers possibly if the exchange rates stay favourable, though they can be had over here from the likes of Wilmslow audio, building the cabs myself, not sure about amps yet...
Tannoy DC1000
Tannoy Sensys DC1
Back to DC1000's
Rega R3's
Kef XQ1
Back to DC1000's
DIY Open Baffle
Tannoy HPD315 Open Baffle
Tannoy Cheviots
....... who knows

should have not sold the XQ1's, best ones i have had... :(
should have not sold the XQ1's, best ones i have had... :(

interesting you should say that - as on most hifi forums the kefs get slated...not sure why, I had some kef Q4s (got them half price) and they sounded great...
i think its because they seemed to be aimed at HT more than hifi, but sounded miles ahead over the lower iQ series and years ahead of some MA RS6's :)
great resolution, sounded clean at high volumes, nice balanced sound and look nice :)
Originally Posted by robertseymour

should have not sold the XQ1's, best ones i have had...

And these were for sale for ages!! You had plenty of time to see sense! Oh well, maybe you'll find another pair...
i think its because they seemed to be aimed at HT more than hifi, but sounded miles ahead over the lower iQ series and years ahead of some MA RS6's :)
great resolution, sounded clean at high volumes, nice balanced sound and look nice :)

yeah, if you go on avforums for example - there are a few comparisons between kefs and MA - most of the posters favour the MA's - never heard them myself tho, but as always - best to listen yourself...
80's - Celestion Ditton
90's - Wharfdale (don't remember the model)
--- began to get serious ---
2000's - Linn Katan
" - Linn Katan active (bi-amped)
" - Linn Akurate 212
" - Linn Akurate active (quad-amped)
Wharfedale Laser 60
Castle Trent
Royd Eden
Linn Index on Ku Stone stands
KEF KMS 2002 egg satellites with PSW 2000 subwoofer

Finally we come to the present and a pair of home designed, home built "Metronome" floorstanding Quadratic Tapered Quarter Wave Resonators using a Fostex FE108EZ wide range driver with Dave Dlugos phase plug modification.


Bass is handled by an MJ Acousics pro 50 active subwoofer.
katze rules:)

yeah, it's funny that - as years back when I had a technics system my mate would pop around with his dog and that would also sit directly in the middle of the speakers whilst we were listening to the orb... :D
This is an interesting idea for a thread.

Over the last 20 years, it's been:

Goodmans Maxim 3;
Epos ES12;
Jamo Concert 8 (never going to get shot of these);
Mordaunt Short Performance 6.

And one day, hopefully, Jamo R909..
1981 - Wharfedale Shelton XP2 - A great speaker in it's day and probably still able to belt out a decent tune if you found a good pair now. Decided to play bass guitar through them and destroyed the woofers. Ah the folly of youth! Were replaced by...

1985 - B&W DM110 - First speakers I owned that went on stands. Was impressed by their ability to do bass and gave much more detail than the Wharfedales. Took these to college and kept them until the day I heard a mates speakers. Was so impressed I got some myself....

1995 - TDL RTL3 MkII - With bass that went down to 35 Hz I really discovered dynamics with these monsters. Eventually got fed up with the spitty treble and upgraded the tweeters with some silk domed Son Audax units which improved them vastly. No imaging though, and replaced last year with...

2006 - Focal JM Labs Chorus 714s - Care of our very own Icehockeyboy, these are in my system today and very happy I am with them. Imaging, detail and clean controlled bass. They dont quite rock the foundations like the TDL's transmission lines but whats there is bouncy and tuneful. Cant see me upgrading anytime soon :D

My other systems employ a pair of Linn Keosas, a pair of KEF C15's and an ancient pair of Goodmans Magnum II's. I also have some Wharfedale Diamond Actives and some JPW ML510's lying around. I really need to sell some of these..!