Whats your speaker Journey??

Read a review of them that said they were excellent (Hifi News?). They certainly do look awesome. But the review suggested that their sound was rather more polite and restrained than the look suggests. They need those massive woofers just to get a decent bass quantity out as they're dipoles and thus a lot of the bass freqs cancel out.

Tannoy Mercury
Tannoy Mercury Mk II
Rogers LS3/5a
Goodmans Maxim II
Linn Keilidh
Rogers LS3/5a & AB1 subwoofer
Spendor BC1
Spendor SP1
Quad ESL57
Tannoy Canterbury 12" Silver
ATC Active 10
Dynaudio Audience 52
AVI NuNeutron & Neutron III
AVI Biggatron
Proac Response 1sc

and a few more I can't remember !
Like everyone else, not sure if I can remember all of them but here goes

Rotel something or other, purchased with my first hifi from a proper hifi shop with my first proper wage (well alright, my first job so managed to get a loan for £400:eek: ) spent it on some Philips cd player, a NAD 3020e and the Rotels (big ugly square black boxes, no idea of the model).
Kept this for about ten years when I suddenly decided to go mental, went through
Mission 773e from Richer, thought cool, floorstanders are the way to go, so got another pair from Richers but cant for the life of me remember what they were....these were replaced by PMC FB1's , excellent speakers until someone (the b&&&&&D) said they were a bit slow with Musical Fidelity stuff on either this forum or its predesessor (Groovehandle was it?), anyway, once he made that comment all I could bloody hear was how slow they were:rolleyes:
Sooo, tried some standmounts, went for PMC tb1, then PMC DB1's, then, at last, nirvana - PROAC Response 1sc, the best speaker I have owned, eventually paired it with a sub and the sound was sublime, unfortunately however, a bit of a financial crisis ensued and had to get rid of them...........roll on 3 years and back in the market - started with MA Bronze B2's, sold these for Spendor s5e (I know I know, back to floorstanders), well, sold these last week and am now going to go back to Proac Response and hopefully this will be the end of this very fustratuing adventure.....................mind, the new Proac studio range looks canny, and the Spendors wernt bad so could listen to the standmounts........arrgghhhh.....;)
Started off with some 15 ohm single driver boxes from the '60's, then :
Acoustic Research (can't remember the model) :rolleyes:
B&W 601's
Magneplanar SMG (still got)
Apogee Calipers (still got) :cool:
1976 - 1980 Tannoy Cheviots, Nightingale NM1's, Linn Isobarik DMS.

1981 - 1988 Linn Isobarik PMS (powered by 6 X Meridian 105S power amps with built in electronic active x-overs. A unique collaboration between Linn & Meridian prior to Linn producing their own amps etc).

1988 - 2004 TDL Monitors

2004 - present Amphion Kryptons + Velodyne DD15
I've been very conservative compared to most on this list.

1990 - 2003: Mission 780 - Fine in the small room I had at the time I bought them and more than adequate during my 'shared house' years. They still do 'TV duty' via my original 1989 Cyrus 1 amp!

2003 - present: Monitor Audio GR10 - Nice, very clean and clear midrange. Capable of surprising amounts of bass extension considering the box size, but need careful partnering as they can be a little bright at the top. The main reason I sold all my Cyrus kit.

Want - A nice pair of transmission lines. Meadowlarks I think. Realstically, a pair of Ketsel Hotrods will be the most I can afford, a bit ugly, but I've yet to hear a major criticism of them sonically.
Started 1978 with Videotone GB3 - Linn Sara - Wharfdale Diamonds - ProAc Tablet - LS3/5A - Sonus Faber - Magneplanar panels - Stean Acoustics SD1 - B&W P2H - B&W DM70 - last 3 years - Quad ELS 57 a stacked pair.
speaker journey.

Technics Midi Crappers.
Celestion Ditton 30's not bad
AR 94's better
Mission 732's Massive Bass Minute Midrange.
ALR Jordan's nice but metallic sounding, zing...
AE1's, nice, big sound. needs big bicks to drive em proper.
Cadence Amaya Electro Statics. Nice. Butt-Ugly. big sound great treble unsurprisingly, but too big and heavy.
Mordaunt Short statements a temporary freebie. Had to give em away, but not a bad speaker at all, even more ugly than your ex's inlaws.

Kef Reference 2.2's pretty, detailed, musical, powerful. now retired from buying large expensive speakers. for at least a few years :D
most recently ive had:

mission 782se - superb speakers that imaged amazigly, but were very dependant on matching to the right front end to avoid brightness.

Monitor Audio S6 - didnt like these at all, very oddly balanced, bright shouty treble, recessed dark midrange and thumpy thick bass, they were moved on very quickly.

Dynaudio Audience 40's - superb little speakers, sounded better than they had any right to for their price and size which led me to buying...

Dynaudio Contour 1.8 Mk II, practically perfect in every way as far as im concerned.
My first post on this forum so hello.

Always looking in though as I followed Dunkyboy around from other forums.

Crappy Technics Lowfi system speakers for too long!
Celestion Ditton 40
KEF 60s + sub
Celestion A1
KEF Reference 2 (on the end of a Densen Beat integrated, I do miss that combo)
ATC SCM35 (At this point I found Naim and the Naim + ATC partnership never went away)
Hang on.....from 1987 to 2007:

Vifa Korrekt 3.0 (DIY-floorstanders)
B&W 640
Magnepan SMGA
Xanadu DS14
Mission 760i
Acoustic Energy AE1
Audiostatic ES200r
Translator Jade
Lambda model ?
B&W 302
Monitor Audio MA1 (black)
Monitor Audio MA1 (cherry)
Monitor Audio Studio-2
Royd A7
Linn Kan
Sonus Faber Concertino
Diapason Micra
Rogers Studio 3
Naim N-Sats

That's about I guess:rolleyes: :cool:
Goodmans 6" mid/bass in home made IB.
Wharfdale TSR 102.2
Tannoy 12" Monitor Golds in Home made cabs
Linn Tukans (Still have these)
Tannoy 10" DC, pro model from early nineties.
Lowther Acousta
Lowther Acousta - DX2's.
Lowther Acousta - DX2's + REL Q50
Lowther Acousta - DX2's + REL Q50 + DBX driverack pa (150Hz 24db/oct crossover and pink noise equalised frequency response, flatish in room response from 20 to 20kHz )
Starting around 1974 ....

Technics SB301
Shackman electrostatic hybrids
Quad 63
Proac Response 2
Proac Response 3
Martin Logan CLS2z
Apogee Caliper Sigs
Electrostatic Research Vista II
Avantgarde Uno 2
Rogers LS3/5a
Audiostatic Wings
Kharma Ceramique 3
JBL L110
QLN Sigs
Klipsch Heresy
Maggie smga
Epos ES30
Dali Skyline 1000
I was thinking more of the best car colour in the world - 1974 VW Metallic Moss Green - to match my Beetle, though I will leave out the go-faster stripes.