Like everyone else, not sure if I can remember all of them but here goes
Rotel something or other, purchased with my first hifi from a proper hifi shop with my first proper wage (well alright, my first job so managed to get a loan for £400

) spent it on some Philips cd player, a NAD 3020e and the Rotels (big ugly square black boxes, no idea of the model).
Kept this for about ten years when I suddenly decided to go mental, went through
Mission 773e from Richer, thought cool, floorstanders are the way to go, so got another pair from Richers but cant for the life of me remember what they were....these were replaced by
PMC FB1's , excellent speakers until someone (the b&&&&&D) said they were a bit slow with Musical Fidelity stuff on either this forum or its predesessor (Groovehandle was it?), anyway, once he made that comment all I could bloody hear was how slow they were
Sooo, tried some standmounts, went for
PMC tb1, then
PMC DB1's, then, at last, nirvana -
PROAC Response 1sc, the best speaker I have owned, eventually paired it with a sub and the sound was sublime, unfortunately however, a bit of a financial crisis ensued and had to get rid of them...........roll on 3 years and back in the market - started with
MA Bronze B2's, sold these for
Spendor s5e (I know I know, back to floorstanders), well, sold these last week and am now going to go back to Proac Response and hopefully this will be the end of this very fustratuing adventure.....................mind, the new Proac studio range looks canny, and the Spendors wernt bad so could listen to the standmounts........arrgghhhh.....