geez, you lot have some issues! 9 years and going strong, infact better than we have before:)
I have three at home, with whom I have had dealings for 28, 23 and 19 years respectively. They're fine, provided I do what they want (I always have the last word, even if it's , "Yes, dear.") The two younger ones now have the ability to put a wealth of world-weary meaning into "DAAAAAAAD!" And if I had my time over again, I'd do it exactly the same way.
To make a woman happy, a man only needs to be: 1. a friend 2. a companion 3. a lover 4. a brother 5. a father 6. a master 7. a chef 8. an electrician 9. a carpenter 10. a plumber 11. a mechanic 12. a decorator 13. a stylist 14. a sexologist 15. a gynaecologist 16. a psychologist 17. a pest exterminator 18. a psychiatrist 19. a healer 20. a good listener 21. an organiser 22. a good father 23. very clean 24. sympathetic 25. athletic 26. warm 27. attentive 28. gallant 29. intelligent 30. funny 31. creative 32. tender 33. strong 34. understanding 35. tolerant 36. prudent 37. ambitious 38. capable 39. courageous 40. determined 41. true 42. dependable 43. passionate WITHOUT FORGETTING TO: 44. give her compliments regularly 45. love shopping 46. be honest 47. be very rich 48. not stress her out 49. not look at other girls AND AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST ALSO: 50. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself 51. give her lots of time, especially time for herself 52. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes IT IS VERY IMPORTANT: 53. Never to forget: * birthdays * anniversaries * arrangements she makes HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY: 1. Shag him 2. Don't F*ck with his Hi Fi 3. Leave him in peace
You're forgetting cook, clean, and give other "benefits" in addition to sh*gging... OK OK - only kidding, but seriously, if women want equality, they should be more open to criticism etc themselves. Cue sound of can of worms being opened. BTW - I've got fairly good reasons for my issues re women... As mates, no problem, but I never ever trust them unless they've really earnt it.
S'OK; I don't think there's any women round here to argue the point. Though reading some comments in the 'audio' theads, I'm beginning to wonder if women have the monopoly on insanity.
Between 18 and 21 are the golden years, dam good fun really, then it all goes pear-shaped (quite literally in alot of cases).
Seriously though, the book I metioned earlier covers all this and is funny. If you get it on audiobook you can just play it on the hifi. It goes into the differencies between the sexes beyond the obvious and explains why we like our toys like hifi, cars and playstations and they're none plussed. It can be used as amunition or a peace manual.
Been seeing an 18 year old for two MOnths now She's 11 years younger than my ex. Too early for the bullshit, but she is indeed insane. But MOstly in the amusing way so far...
You smooth mover, Mo! BTW - I made a drunken bet on Monday that I'm GONNA regret. I'm sick of my mates taking the pee out of my (lack of) sex life (I don't believe in love), so I bet them I'd pull someone that'd amaze them. If I don't, I'm gonna have to run round Heavitree naked - in December. Sod THAT! So it looks like I'm on a mission...
My g/f is 14 years my junior and a right pain in the arce! Dom, start toning up! The toned body will help you pull, but if it doesn't you'll be less embarassed on your run not to mention if you are fitter your run will be quicker and easier
Dom, a quick amazon trawl reaped these How to Pull Girls: An Insider Guide to Success with Women and this sounds promising System, The: How to Get Laid TODAY! So what are you waiting for?
An acquaintance of mine swears by the site I had a quick look the other day...theres some pretty awful techniques recommended on there....quite good for a laugh though...although he takes it quite seriously. Christ...just looked at those books above...anyone know anyones who's ever used them!?
They must be mad to suck those horrible dicks best chatup line : fancy a shag? in fact new thread.... my gf is mad, she is paranoid about getting clean, bath at bloody 11pm, takes forever, runs the bath about 3 times whilst she is in it, then comes in the bedroom, effin lights going on and off, hairdryer, poor me is trying to sleep as my positronic network goes off at 11pm, tv goes on, changing all the channels, can't sit still for a minute.doesn't want to watch what I watch, little sex I could go on and on.... walks the legs off me, expects me to do everything, then she's not happy if it goes wrong, I don't know why I stick with her.... Is this normal for them?
I knew a guy (well, ex-colleague) who used to do that, not sure how success he had, but even if he got one shag and 50 slaps accross the mush then I guess he'd be happy
Its quite normal, so don't accept it I've had a belly full of ordinary and normal :JPS: The only chance I got to listen was after she went to bed, but sets her alarm to wake her (me) up 2 hours before I need to get (makes me tired) up but only gets up 30-40 mins before me - she doesn't live here now!