Tenson you like clever lyrics, this from same writer as above, Drummer from rush Neil Peart, "The Proffessor"
Theres a snake coming out of the darkness
parade from paradise
end the need for eden
chase the dreams of merchandise
There is tic and toc in atomic
leaders make a deal
the cosmic is largely comic
a con they couldn't conceal
There is no safe seat at the feast
take your best stab at the beast
The night is turning thin
the saint is turning to sin
raise the art to resistance
danger dare to be grand
pride reduced to humble pie
diamonds down to sand
take heart from earth and weather
the brightness of new birth
take heart from the harvest
shave the harvest from the earth
Reasoning is partly insane
Image just an eyeless game
the night is turning thin
the saint is turning to sin
Miracles will have their claimers
more will bow to Rome
he and she are in the house
but theres on me at home
Rose is a rose of splendor
posed to respond in the end
lonely things like nights
I find, end finer with a friend
I hear the rate of her heart
A tear in the heat of art
the night turns thin
the saint turns to sin
This is fantastic lyric writing the mans a bloody genius, althe more so when you consider the song is called "Anagram" read the lyrics again now you know the title, I don't know how the f*ck he does it, but all hsi songs are like this, don't know where he gets the ideas.
You need to hear this band my young musician friend.
This one i copied from the sleeve, the one in my sig i recited from memory, Stickman also a fan recognised my other sig a rush song also and recognised it from memory, Rush have this effect on people, 3 guys once described by Tommy Vance as a 3 piece symphony orchestra, anyway go buy some of their albums.
Moving Pictures
A farewell to Kings
Permanent Waves
Exit Stage left (live)
these would all give you a good taste of rush and woud be where i would start.