Yet another bold claim...

BerylliumDust said:
What you haven't realized yet is that better accuracy means better stereo image independently from where you are positioned.

Dont be so damn arrogant!
You are making yourself look like a spoilt brat. And i dont care what colour paper TD uses to wipe your ass.
BerylliumDust said:
What you haven't realized yet is that better accuracy means better stereo image independently from where you are positioned.

With some records the musicians are in fact in the room with you... that is ultimate accuracy.

With regards to the latter statement, NO! True realism is when you are at the recording venue with the musicians.

With regards to the former statement, it is quite possibly the most ignorant quote yet made on ZG so congratulations there hombre :rolleyes: If this is the level of coversation on the Portuguese forum, can we join in? Do you own a Harley?
Finally you nailed it...

I'm completely deaf, I use a dog (Mutley is his name) to guide me through the mysteries of sound...

But I am happy, so why bother... shup up Mutley... ok, ok... yes Mutley time to go home!

chill out folks!

BD wants to pick an amp on its null test performance, and is enjoying the result.

He thinks that way, and is sticking to it.

Good for him for being true to his opinions.

We may have difference performance criteria, and if we do common ground is unlikely.

No need for harsh words.
7_V said:
Because in a concert hall the stereo image will not be the same as your 'accurate' hi-fi. There are all sorts of reflections and reverberations that are not reproduced accurately by conventional speakers ...

One of my pet hates is the use of far-too-close-miking for solo instruments in orchestral recordings, which leads to a totally unrealistic ultra-pin-sharp position in the stereo image because, of course, the reflections just get swamped. It's nothing to do with the hifi kit, of course - it's the fault of the occasional over-zealous balance engineer who thinks the composer's orchestration and the conductor's musical ear need a helping hand to bring out the "important" bits.
does 'end of tether' constitute objective criterion for close of thread?

There was one apparent sense of consensus that if perfection were not possible, then all deprivation (lack of perfection) is relative.

All that said, I recommended to someone keen to upgrade from an NAD receiver that they home demo the Rotel 1062. I didnt mention anything aboit a null test, however.

edit: this thread is getting interesting again ....

In this case, the term ignorant is not harsh, merely a statement of fact.

I cannot think of another word to describe complete ignorance of the principles of stereo imaging.
BerylliumDust said:
What Tube Dude's amp did and what the Rotel 1062 do is taking the sound completely out of the boxes in an huge soundstage where we can localize without any effort every single sound source as a whole. With some records the musicians are in fact in the room with you... that is ultimate accuracy.

If your going to argue accuracy, then why oh why, are you wittering on about amplifiers, which by any realistic measure (and operating within spec) cause next to no distortion compared to the speakers to which they are connected.

The only significant sources of distortion in CD playback systems: the recording; the speaker; the room. period, full stop, end of sentance.

The amplifiers you mention cannot do the things your claiming even if you have happened upon a miracle speaker and room combination - even then, the amplifier has a negligible part to play. Might I suggest you have a vivid imagination..

BTW, if you read books - actually research papers and journals - beyond the scope of electrical engineering you would know that the serious R&D effort is being expended on how speakers and rooms interact, and that amplifiers and cd players are considered solved problems...
But Oedipus, BD claims the Dynaudios are capable of 120db at less than 1% THD across the spectrum ;)
BerylliumDust said:
What you haven't realized yet is that better accuracy means better stereo image independently from where you are positioned.
Well, just to throw Mutley a bone ...

Back when Ted Jordan and Doreen Bance were still married, Ted demonstrated some early Jordan 2" drivers to me. They went down to about 200Hz and he had them four per side in a mini-vertical array.

He used to toe them in so that they crossed in front of the sofa. That way, you would get a really good soundstage across quite a wide seating position. It never sounded quite right to me though, probably because the high frequencies dropped too much for my taste when listened to off-axis.

Regarding the comments about imagery and soundstaging from amplifiers, I will admit that there are many strange things out there. It's life Jim but ...
BerylliumDust said:
What Tube Dude's amp did and what the Rotel 1062 do is taking the sound completely out of the boxes in an huge soundstage where we can localize without any effort every single sound source as a whole. With some records the musicians are in fact in the room with you... that is ultimate accuracy.

Mine does that too, with "some records". I've heard other systems do it too, some much better than mine in that respect. I don't think the amplifier passing a null test has much to do with it, but if it works for you fair enough. No need to be so evangelical about it though.

-- Ian
wadia-miester said:
I do believe we have a contender for naim arragance of the year award, gentlemen I give BD my nomination for this award, do I hear a seconder?

hey mutley miester can we have Dr Mana back, he had a guru with a svengali like hold over him too, although his mentor was welsh, but a least he was entertaining.
AK, what's ur sig from? ..or did you make it up? :eek: It's good, if it's a song, I'd like to hear it! Somehow it reminds me of Weird Al.
Tenson it's from a Rush song, called "You Bet Your Life" from "Roll The Bones" fantastic band, if you've not heard them you really should give them a listen, if you send me you email addy I'll send you an mp3 of this one, about 6.7 meg 192KHz, so need addyt with big inbox, this is probably one of the tightest rockbands ever, got their own unique style been around since the late 60's first album 1973 or so lots and lots since then, of course you may know this, they also happen to have about the best drummer ever, IMO. Neil Peart, slighty better than even the mighty Billy Cobham.
Tenson you like clever lyrics, this from same writer as above, Drummer from rush Neil Peart, "The Proffessor"

Theres a snake coming out of the darkness
parade from paradise
end the need for eden
chase the dreams of merchandise

There is tic and toc in atomic
leaders make a deal
the cosmic is largely comic
a con they couldn't conceal

There is no safe seat at the feast
take your best stab at the beast
The night is turning thin
the saint is turning to sin

raise the art to resistance
danger dare to be grand
pride reduced to humble pie
diamonds down to sand

take heart from earth and weather
the brightness of new birth
take heart from the harvest
shave the harvest from the earth

Reasoning is partly insane
Image just an eyeless game
the night is turning thin
the saint is turning to sin

Miracles will have their claimers
more will bow to Rome
he and she are in the house
but theres on me at home

Rose is a rose of splendor
posed to respond in the end
lonely things like nights
I find, end finer with a friend

I hear the rate of her heart
A tear in the heat of art
the night turns thin
the saint turns to sin

This is fantastic lyric writing the mans a bloody genius, althe more so when you consider the song is called "Anagram" read the lyrics again now you know the title, I don't know how the f*ck he does it, but all hsi songs are like this, don't know where he gets the ideas.

You need to hear this band my young musician friend.

This one i copied from the sleeve, the one in my sig i recited from memory, Stickman also a fan recognised my other sig a rush song also and recognised it from memory, Rush have this effect on people, 3 guys once described by Tommy Vance as a 3 piece symphony orchestra, anyway go buy some of their albums.

Moving Pictures
A farewell to Kings
Permanent Waves
Exit Stage left (live)

these would all give you a good taste of rush and woud be where i would start.
Thanks AK, I have listened to a bit of Rush before and although you will probably lynch me for saying this, I didn't like them very much. No denying their technical capability on their instruments, but I still didn't find the music very interesting, what little I heard. I will check them out a bit more though, that's what internet is for!

have a listen to 2112. it's what got me into rush and it would be in my top 5 of all time records - all genres. if you don;t like that then there is no help for you i'm afraid ;)


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