I can't speak as an amplifier designer but from a loudspeaker perspective there's some very muddy thinking going on here.
michaelab said:
But it's not important what they (or I) think constitutes accurate, it's important what is accurate.
If a recording of a cello sounds like a real cello then it's accurate. Even if I perceive a cello to sound different to the way you do, if the sound waves reaching my ears from a system are the same as those from a live cello I will think it sounds like a cello, and so will you.
Wrong on both points here, michaelab.
Accurate simply means that the 'output' is the same as the 'input'. That's necessary but not sufficient for
truth and, sorry mate but truth outranks accuracy for those of us who are seeking the 'being there' experience.
If the sound waves reaching your ears are the same as those from a live cello, you will not necessarily think it's a cello, and neither will I, unless the sound waves are also arriving with the same dispersion and ambient characteristics. Neither moving coil, electrostatic or NXT panel speakers are capable of giving the same dispersion and ambient characteristics as live musical instruments, even if the frequency response, distortion, dynamic range and transient behaviour were faultless.
Now, in view of the different balances of these parameters (frequency response, distortion, dynamic range, transients, dispersion, ambience, etc.) in different equipment, it becomes clear that 'truth' is subjective.
BerylliumDust said:
Let's start from begining:
1) Accuracy means output equal to the input;
2) Tube Dude's null test does tell objectively if an amp is accurate or not;
3) Accuracy is a good thing because I want to hear the way musicians want their music to be heard when they closely work with sound engineers to accomplish that, be it in a studio or in a live performance;
4) An accurate amp will always sound better than one that isn't, because of point 3;
...blah ...
.. blah ...
14) No overall negative feedback is not the right path to accuracy;
BD, Can I respectfully suggest that YOU start at the beginning (well probably not but I will anyway)?
Firstly, please read my response to michaelab above. Read it again until you understand the difference between truth and accuracy (at least, the truth according to 7V).
Next, stop reading, take your head out of your text books and listen to some music - live and recorded.
Oh, and no need to thank me. Your increased happiness and my not having to wade through this drivel will be thanks enough.