It's surprising how daunting system setup is to the non-technically minded (i.e. most people). They are terrified of getting it wrong. These are the people who, when they buy a TV, get the shop to come round and install it! My parents are a prime example. When they move house they draw diagrams and puts sticky labels on every lead because they won't otherwise be able to figure out how to put the system back together again.
The comment about hif shop windows is a good one. Last time I walked past Audio Excellence in Bristol (admittedly a while ago) they had a pair of Wilson Benesch Arcs in the window at £4000 a pair. Well that's really gonna pull in your average Joe Public isn't it
Richer Sounds have the right idea when it comes to attracting Joe Public. Every month their adverts feature ready made systems complete with wires, stands, etc. at reasonable (i.e. midi system) prices. Just take it home, wire it up, and enjoy superior sound quality. Contrast this to almost any other hifi shop!
Actually, thinking about what Richer Sounds has to offer at the budget end of the market, it really doesn't make much sense to go anywhere else. No 'proper' hifi shop is going to be able to compete with a complete hifi system for £300 which is easily achieved at Richers. In fact even at double that amount, if it were my money and I wanted £600 worth of new separates, I would read the reviews and head for Richer Sounds.
The comment about musicians is a good one too. I know several musicians who listen to mini-systems, albeit Sony's or Denon's. They don't give a toss about imaging or soundstage. They are listening to the music. It wouldn't matter if it was mono! In fact, the way most of them are set up, they might as well be mono.