Mighty Rearranger
Well done Paul correct thread this time
Paul, the use of "pathological hatred " is some what extreme I feel, It is true I'm no fan of naim, but I think your over reacting here.
My "exclusive" of what Paul ? I am some what perplexed here, if you would be so good as to
explain, merely pointing out that parts of audio industry arn't doing as well as others, I feel this is no exclusive.
Paul you further ventured "offer the franchise to all and sundry is ridiculous."
Could you indicate where this has been posted please?, If you mean "quality reatail outlets" as all and sundry, then prehaps the said *all and sundry* maybe some what upset about this ?
You also stated
"We are in the best shape we have ever been in terms of sales and products and for a respected
audio discussion site like zerogain to give a platform to wadiameister to spout his vitriol does
them no credit".
Forgive me here but, If my memory is correct today, I actualy posted "for the last 3 years they've
been making fair profit". That abviously means some thing different to yourself.
AS for your discription of Zerogain, being a vehicle for me, I'm flattered Paul, to think, that
every one of my views in my posts are gospel, It's a bit far fetched however, I think you will find the mods
here are more than capable of reminding me (Or anyone) from being OTT (you yourself should
know this, as your exclusions from your own forums are almost the stuff of legends.)
Oh your last point, Paul I would beg to differ, Myself (Tony) Merlin (Mike) Ju2002, Julain,
Michealab Mike B were in your very room (we were the only 4 in the room), you even shook my
hand along with Rchard Dane ?, who then took great pains to explain to me your new CD mechanism in the CD5i (philips I believe), whilst you we demostrating those new speakers.
I feel here you Paul, you really need to look at the whole thread again, the point here is to show that sections of the industry are having a quieter time than of late?, maybe just a sign of times nothing more. Wm (Tony)

Paul, the use of "pathological hatred " is some what extreme I feel, It is true I'm no fan of naim, but I think your over reacting here.
My "exclusive" of what Paul ? I am some what perplexed here, if you would be so good as to
explain, merely pointing out that parts of audio industry arn't doing as well as others, I feel this is no exclusive.
Paul you further ventured "offer the franchise to all and sundry is ridiculous."
Could you indicate where this has been posted please?, If you mean "quality reatail outlets" as all and sundry, then prehaps the said *all and sundry* maybe some what upset about this ?
You also stated
"We are in the best shape we have ever been in terms of sales and products and for a respected
audio discussion site like zerogain to give a platform to wadiameister to spout his vitriol does
them no credit".
Forgive me here but, If my memory is correct today, I actualy posted "for the last 3 years they've
been making fair profit". That abviously means some thing different to yourself.
AS for your discription of Zerogain, being a vehicle for me, I'm flattered Paul, to think, that
every one of my views in my posts are gospel, It's a bit far fetched however, I think you will find the mods
here are more than capable of reminding me (Or anyone) from being OTT (you yourself should
know this, as your exclusions from your own forums are almost the stuff of legends.)
Oh your last point, Paul I would beg to differ, Myself (Tony) Merlin (Mike) Ju2002, Julain,
Michealab Mike B were in your very room (we were the only 4 in the room), you even shook my
hand along with Rchard Dane ?, who then took great pains to explain to me your new CD mechanism in the CD5i (philips I believe), whilst you we demostrating those new speakers.
I feel here you Paul, you really need to look at the whole thread again, the point here is to show that sections of the industry are having a quieter time than of late?, maybe just a sign of times nothing more. Wm (Tony)