You when things are bad when...........

Well done Paul correct thread this time :).
Paul, the use of "pathological hatred " is some what extreme I feel, It is true I'm no fan of naim, but I think your over reacting here.
My "exclusive" of what Paul ? I am some what perplexed here, if you would be so good as to
explain, merely pointing out that parts of audio industry arn't doing as well as others, I feel this is no exclusive.
Paul you further ventured "offer the franchise to all and sundry is ridiculous."
Could you indicate where this has been posted please?, If you mean "quality reatail outlets" as all and sundry, then prehaps the said *all and sundry* maybe some what upset about this ?
You also stated
"We are in the best shape we have ever been in terms of sales and products and for a respected
audio discussion site like zerogain to give a platform to wadiameister to spout his vitriol does
them no credit".
Forgive me here but, If my memory is correct today, I actualy posted "for the last 3 years they've
been making fair profit". That abviously means some thing different to yourself.
AS for your discription of Zerogain, being a vehicle for me, I'm flattered Paul, to think, that
every one of my views in my posts are gospel, It's a bit far fetched however, I think you will find the mods
here are more than capable of reminding me (Or anyone) from being OTT (you yourself should
know this, as your exclusions from your own forums are almost the stuff of legends.)
Oh your last point, Paul I would beg to differ, Myself (Tony) Merlin (Mike) Ju2002, Julain,
Michealab Mike B were in your very room (we were the only 4 in the room), you even shook my
hand along with Rchard Dane ?, who then took great pains to explain to me your new CD mechanism in the CD5i (philips I believe), whilst you we demostrating those new speakers.
I feel here you Paul, you really need to look at the whole thread again, the point here is to show that sections of the industry are having a quieter time than of late?, maybe just a sign of times nothing more. Wm (Tony)
Wadia meister,

There is a book in the post to you for Christmas written by Lynne Truss.

Think you have the wrong bloke, I was never in the same room as Richard.

I have conscenciously re read the thread as you implored and still come to the conclusion that , as you strarted it , that the content is aimed at Naim Audio rather than any other manufacturer.

Perhaps you would be good enough to debunk me of this particular myth , if appropriate.

Originally posted by paul darwin
Wadia meister,

There is a book in the post to you for Christmas written by Lynne Truss.

Think you have the wrong bloke, I was never in the same room as Richard.

I have conscenciously re read the thread as you implored and still come to the conclusion that , as you strarted it , that the content is aimed at Naim Audio rather than any other manufacturer.

Perhaps you would be good enough to debunk me of this particular myth , if appropriate.



put your handbag down, and start at the beginning:

Who are you, and what rock did you crawl out from under?

I don't appreciate your sense of self-importance. We have not all met at the same lodge meeting...

As far as I am concerned you could be the queen of Salisbury


Graham C
It doesn't matter how you phrase it, 'wadiamiester' is generating a disparaging impression of Naim.

Very Michael Moore.

I think he should substantiate or not spread muck. Especially as he's in the murkier end of the trade himself.

Paul, there is no myth, prehaps the other gent in the room t'was Paul Stephenson maybe (I'm not good with names), he was explaining, however, you were there no doubt at all, looking throughly misrible, and depressed that afternoon, (let me see, 6' foot 2" ish, Captain of the Enterprise (D) look, it was on the sunday afternoon about 3ish), you were playing with the volume control on nait 5i I believe, demonstrating the potential bass charactoristics of your new 'entry range kit' you stood dead in front of me, along with Julian who you were talking too first, you can't miss Julian, he has hair and is some what larger in staute than you, I was to his right (again hair, and not so quite big, you didn't miss me though), mind you, the other chap in the room (who's name I seem not to know, maybe he was scottish?) was a prefect gent, who went to great pains to explain why you had chosen this cd mech, which was on the right hand side of the room, on it's own display.
Paul , I never 'implored' you to do anything, I just merely asked you to re-read it. A touch melodramtic I feel
Paul you must have so much to do at HQ, you memory maybe a little rusty, you even said hello to our Z/G chief Mike.
Though, to be fair it looked like you'd had a hard week at the show, and you really wanted to be some where else, other than heathrow, so it's prefectly understandable. Wm
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i don't think tony (WM) ever explicitly stated the company he was refering to. naim was brought up by others and after that the bandwagon rolled.
it's well known (on the fora that he frequents) that tony isn;t the biggest fan of naim kit or for that matter musical fidelity to name but two, but then there's no law against a personal preference. most of his comments about your good selves and mr michaelson's lot are taken with handfuls of salt by those of us who do like these marques.
at the end of the day tony should perhaps know better as he is part of the hi-fi industry and he, yourselves and others should be circling the wagons to keep your market share in the face of the other things people now spend their money on rather than the infighting that is going on.
personally i wonder about the drop in sales of hi-fi (in general) and how it could be plotted against the rise in popularity of outdoor christmas light willy waving as the new status symbol of the noughties.


edited to add: - tony, it was doug graham i was talking to about the new 'i' kit and a very nice bloke he was too. The other guy in the room (i'm not sure who it was), i may be able to beat him in the hair stakes but i think he had an inch or two on me in height, circumferance was neck and neck though.
Doug Graham:eek:

He always strikes me as being kommander in cheif of the tune nazis, frantically bopping his head to whatever din is spewing from the room's excuses for loudspeakers.

Although I would add that he seems a nice guy, just not overly discriminating aurally.
for a respected audio discussion site like zerogain to give a platform to wadiameister to spout his vitriol does them no credit.


So are you suggesting that we become an extension of the Naim forum, whereby anyone with views less than complementary about Naim get banned?

It's free speech over here I am afraid (as long as it's not libellous or defamatory) :)
Yeah sorry there Jules,

I just find it difficult to treat a company with respect that sends it's director over to a public forum, only to introduce himself by threatening an established member with "facing the consequences"

Nice! And I have to say, not really justified. When Stereophile removed Wadia product from their recommended list, and it was reported widely on forae such as AA, I didn't see Wadia getting hostile or threatening. Just a considered and friendly response.

As for Mr Graham, well, when I see someone bopping up and down as if he has a hinged neck and lives on the rear parcel shelf of a Ford Fiesta, all in response to a boundary reinforced bass hump, then I can only presume he is doing it in his "professional" capacity.

Now if Mr Darwin would have the courtesy to answer any of the questions asked, particularly with regards to explaining the enormous cost to the consumer of his fairly basic electronics, then at least that might show that he is not quite as arrogant as his comments suggest.

Sorry if my nodding dog routine was/is a source of amusement for you. Maybe it was just a particular piece of music that I liked that put me on the "parcel shelf". But, hey ho, we each have our little foibles. Even you! Don't know what we've done for you to be so damning of our company. It's just a different flavour to the one you like. No big deal. We accept that other people make good hi-fi. If you don't like Naim and think that we don't offer VFM then move on. Life's too short. We are nice people really.

Maybe you should come to Naim and have a look around so that you fully understand our manufacturing process. That way your comments could be founded on knowledge. It's just a phone call away


Originally posted by paul darwin
Wadia meister,

There is a book in the post to you for Christmas written by Lynne Truss.
No relation to the female writer Naymie Straitjacket ? ;-) It took me a few seconds on Google to get that reference, not being a UK resident -- but it's a fine example of faddish buying and the unpredictable effect of word of mouth on sales, which I suppose makes a point on several levels.
Originally posted by Paul Ranson
It doesn't matter how you phrase it, 'wadiamiester' is generating a disparaging impression of Naim.

Very Michael Moore.

I think he should substantiate or not spread muck. Especially as he's in the murkier end of the trade himself.


As a neutral observer from the sidelines of this little cat fight, I must admit that Paul you going WAY over the top.

I cant see where WM has been unkind to naim at all. He hasnt really mentioned your name just reported some heresay.
It is you who needs to put up or shut up on the "Murkier end of the Trade" statement.

I have no connection with WM and his chums, in fact I am remarkably unimpressed with some of there knowledge, but on this particular subject you are way off the mark.
Stebbo I'm touched, my merger knowledge salutes
you :notworthy, However Paul Ranson is Paul Ranson expect nothingless than total Ranson.
Interestingly, not one but 2 head miesters rolled out from salisbury hq, we are honoured :) , but do you 2 spend to much time watching late night re-runs of the Sweeney?, good naimie/ bad namie :rolleyes: or maybe a case of 'Bruiser Darwin' puts foot in it, and out comes Doug the nice guy to repair the damage? hypotheticaly of course.
Anyway Doug, maybe Merlin was being a touch heartless, as you tune demo the chair with vigour, not malice.
However I feel Paul should take note, your attitude with possible potential customers, is significantly more 'people friendly' and approachable, prehaps you should take the 'Regan role' more :) Doug and let paul be the 'nice copper' for a change.
Also very nice of your good self to offer a factory tour to Merlin, how gracious :) Wm
Originally posted by Doug

Sorry if my nodding dog routine was/is a source of amusement for you. Maybe it was just a particular piece of music that I liked that put me on the "parcel shelf". But, hey ho, we each have our little foibles. Even you! Don't know what we've done for you to be so damning of our company. It's just a different flavour to the one you like. No big deal. We accept that other people make good hi-fi. If you don't like Naim and think that we don't offer VFM then move on. Life's too short. We are nice people really.

Maybe you should come to Naim and have a look around so that you fully understand our manufacturing process. That way your comments could be founded on knowledge. It's just a phone call away



A great answer Doug If I can be so bold, in fact I'd say it does the company credit!.

Its good to see that you see that we all like a different musical presentation, and preferences vary.

Ive been led to believe that this isnt a view that can be expressed on the Naim forum, but I'd be very happy to discover that this isnt the case? Could you help clear up the matter by explaining what moderation/censorship occurs on the Naim site?

Opinions on Zerogain are totally uncensored (unless people break the law or bicker!!) so you get broad swings of opinion. There certainly isnt any consensus.

Look forward to your reply.

personally speaking i'd love to visit the naim factory, so merlin if you're thinking about taking doug up on his offer i'd be up for it too. how about a bit of a day out for those interested - if naim are willing of course?

Hey WM. Don't spend much if any time looking at these forums. Too busy doing what we do. It all seems good fun though as long as people don't take themselves too seriously. I mean, how could you?

As for The Sweeny well I nearly bought a Ford Crapi at one point but was won over by the Fiat 128 instead. With a bit of Neil Young on the in-car and the window down I thought at the time"lifes not too bad" until I rememberd that Rust never Sleeps. Should av bought the Crapi and a sheepskin (oops did, I work for Naim).

Anyways, there's always Bristol if any of you would like to drop the mask. I'm the nodding dog with the "I love the 80's" haircut. And you know what, I don't give a F*"K.
