You when things are bad when...........

Ah Julian, if only, like you, I'd done the sensible thing and chosen my hi-fi on the basis of anecdotal evidence.

Seasons Greetings,

well, you live and learn, or not as may be the case. still from what i understand you climbed the naim ladder to quite a height and then made the mistake of listening to another make of kit, this i'm guessing is where it all started to go downhill. i've never in my life listened to music on another make of hi-fi, which at this time of year is a chore, how is one meant to select and pay for christmas presents with fingers in both ears going la-la-la-i'm-not-listening due to feed the world blasting out over the hi-fi in wh smiths or debenhams. i'm not sure you aprieciate the dedication and hard work it takes even in the most mundane of things to maintain the facade of total xenophobia towards music played in anything other than the naim way...
happy hollydays.

I'm slightly confused. Since when has Smiths or Debenhams had hi-fi as in shop entertainment?

Actually Alex's system is actually very good, certainly better than his nuclear chicken. It just goes through a lot of fine tweaking to compensate for an horrendous room.

Obviously it's not as good as my active Naim kit, but what is? ;)

Happy Christmas
no, i've just decided to act in the manner expected of a naim owner as described by this and other threads. part ostritch, part zombie and part pit bull.
I would hope that you are seeing my ramblings as very much tongue in cheek and not in any way serious however if you are perhaps it should warn you about judging others purely on the basis of what kit they listen to... err, that bit WAS serious, well vaguely anyway.
anyway back to the plot....

actually i'm mick parrys secret love child, spawned at the end of the 60's when mick was experimenting with psycotropic drugs, just look at his wallpaper if you don;t believe me.

as a fellow rabid namie you of all people should know that exposure to ANY other means of musical reproduction goes against the one true faith and must be guarded against.

i look up the ladder in awe at you and your active system, unfortunately i'm now blind as someone up there was wearing a kilt.

Tom, wanna try your active SBL system in my room!

PS Its a pity you'll be in the Northern Wastes before you get the chance to experience the Ben Duncan effect.

Julian, I am the extremely proud owner of a 32.5/110 which reside eagerly on a bookshelf snarling at the Dynavectors; we're on the same side. Actually, my favourite Naim system was 32.5/Supercap/250 - much better than a few rungs further up the greasy pole.

i knew it, a closet naimie, embrace your naimuality and unleash it upon the world....
really, given the origins of this thread i thought i'd give all those who immediately jump on the 'naim bashing' bandwaggon something to kick against.
my real stance is more along the lines of, i like naim kit, i've heard lots of other kit that i also like but in the end naim's the one that floats my boat in the deepest water, doesn;t make anyone else's choices less valid as they all have dfifferent rooms, tastes, priorities etc.
getting to hear dynavector is an excersise in futility in bedfordshire we've got a sevenoaks, an indefinately closed for refurbishment indy and a sellout place that merged with a furniture store to provide 'lifestyle systems' from pioneer. none of which carry said kiwi amps. i therefore have to rely on anecdotal experience when they are discussed.

Originally posted by Alex S
Tom, wanna try your active SBL system in my room!

I wouldn't even want to try active DBLs in your room

Now can we all have a group hug please
Julian, should you venture to the Smoke you'd be very welcome. We could always plug in the 32.5/110 if it got too much for you.
the offer is much aprieciated and hopefully in the new year i'll take you up on it. i'd say come along to the bakeoff i'm holding but it looks like my house is going to be doubling as a sardine tin already so probably not a good idea. if you are ever in the bedford area or feel like a jaunt up the m1 let me know, you're more than welcome to drop in.

Enjoy your bakeoff. I was worried off by the prospect of sharing a stool with WM.