i knew it, a closet naimie, embrace your naimuality and unleash it upon the world....
really, given the origins of this thread i thought i'd give all those who immediately jump on the 'naim bashing' bandwaggon something to kick against.
my real stance is more along the lines of, i like naim kit, i've heard lots of other kit that i also like but in the end naim's the one that floats my boat in the deepest water, doesn;t make anyone else's choices less valid as they all have dfifferent rooms, tastes, priorities etc.
getting to hear dynavector is an excersise in futility in bedfordshire we've got a sevenoaks, an indefinately closed for refurbishment indy and a sellout place that merged with a furniture store to provide 'lifestyle systems' from pioneer. none of which carry said kiwi amps. i therefore have to rely on anecdotal experience when they are discussed.