it goes to show, some say smd are better as of reliability, shorter signals, less vibration. Everyone has an opinion to say theirs is best, you just have to get what you like in the end and ignore the rhetoric.
Indeed, do not accept what a dealer says...'eg tom evans stuff is the best, naim is the best'
what a naim director says' we are doing well'
what a policitian says' the rail network is in great shape'
....they all have vested interests...just ignore words and simply examine the facts...words are nothing, and are used to obfuscate, confuse, facts just facts....dont' believe words..not even mine!!
did you know mcbrides stuff is based on les wolstenholme who is not an idiot, and dissects naim stuff, much to the chagrin of naim...more than meets the eye there.
I have looked at his site, he is not a tinkerer, its all sound stuff and doesn't change the fundamentals of the naim stuff.
however, yes I do acknowledge, I woudln't tinker, as it does in most cases destroy your hopes of selling a lot of things on when the time comes.
He is an academic and a phd (DR) man, so is not thick.(mcbride).
The forum has never been so much fun

xmas cheer?