Club Krautrock Plinque
Tom, piss takes aside, I remember TonyL coming round and thinking the CDS2 sounding crippled, largely on account of Mana I think he thought. Also, its when its not plugged into an all Naim system where it generally works, like what yours does.
I still can't explain why your CDS2 sounded so broken, the gulf between it and your at the time mid-spec LP12 was absolutely enormous ââ'¬â€œ the Linn was genuinely good fun to listen to whereas the CDS2 couldn't even play simple acoustic guitar stuff like The Kings of Convenience in tune. It sounded painfully off key to my ears. I'll only start a flame war if I blame the Mana, so I'm not going there, but I'd certainly love to hear the system now with the DV amps, Hutter and Densen CD. I'll give you a shout when I'm next down in 'that London'.