can someone explain the difference between coupling and isolation please...i dont get it....
I won't pretend to understand this in all its complexity but I believe coupling is to couple two things together. Vibrations travel differently in 'high wave speed' materials than they do in 'low wave speed' materials. As such, you also get interactions when the vibrations propagate from one such material to another.
Steel for example has a very high wave speed vs that of MDF, so if you had your MDF speakers well coupled to a good amount of steel (extreme example - a solid steel post set in a concrete floor), the vibrations would be effectively 'sunk' away from the speakers at a high speed through the steel.
On the other hand going from one material to a comparatively low wave speed material such as neoprene foam, there is not a good transfer of energy due to a 'bad' impedance match. This is considered 'isolation' - when vibration transmission is reduced.
You may want to stop vibrations from the floor, going to your turntable, and so you should isolate it from the floor and table upon which it is sitting. On the other hand you might want to couple a large engine to something to sink the vibrations away from it and stop it shaking itself apart.
Hope that explains it.