zero cost isolation

mine is a TNT flexy....

wezzo's ...looked like a generic tensioned rod type with glass shelves...

davidf... three legged angle iron [not mana] with glass shelves

its interesting in that all the cdp's [AA5z,quad 99cdp2, nad [?]]all responded the same ...the imaged became less blurred....with no obvious effect on the tonal balance etc.
Nothing new here with three point tiny contact coupling. Russ Andrews has been promoting this effect with oak coned feet for some years. And yes IMHO there is a distinct focussing of the image and a clarity of sound that does seem an improvement. Russ Andrews goes even further with this coupling thingy(it isn't really decoupling, that's the soft suspension idea) in that he makes much of the fact that wood or his component torlyte should be used as the table. Not glass chrome steel or any other of those dreadful hard surfaces.Some truth in that IMHO.
Neat and simple idea to use ball bearing on top of wood and does avoid use of lathe.Gotta try it!!!!
Looks like another success Pete well done. God knows where you get the ideas from. Good to have a bit of time on your hands, eh?

Quick cdp is screwed to a metal base which has 3 spikes supporting it rather than feet. Do you think i'd get any benefit? I'd have to have the bearings facing down.
thats a difficult one .....

what you could try and I've not thought through the details....

a small cup [popbottle lid size] holding three ball bearings the spike then fits in the gap ....

have you tried the cdp on its own ?

tony.garner........yep theres nothing new just different presentations ....the idea was to do it at minimal cost unlike the rs offerings !

for me this sounds better than a straight wooden cone set ...which they replaced.

Oddly most of these ideas come in dreams .....make what ever of that ! must be joke or two in there ....
But as a dowser too I'm not the usual hifi ist! I'll often dowse before I even try any practical form of the idea...

if anyones interested....this is one of the best learning programs
The cdp sounds just fine, especially with the mods and PIO blocking caps(thanks again), but there's always room for improvement ;)
mine is a TNT flexy....

wezzo's ...looked like a generic tensioned rod type with glass shelves...

davidf... three legged angle iron [not mana] with glass shelves

its interesting in that all the cdp's [AA5z,quad 99cdp2, nad [?]]all responded the same ...the imaged became less blurred....with no obvious effect on the tonal balance etc.

Just a hunch but do you think the addition of wood on these metal glass racks has something to do with it ?. I'm only saying that because I been using wood racks for a couple of years and I think they sound less agressive and less one-note-bass'ish.
yes ..without doubt !

but mines got wood shelves .........

I visited a mate last night

his kit sits on a three legged metal rack with glass shelves ....

the kit ...tvc pre AAA5 avondale power amp avondale speakers .

We replaced the stacked tile feet under the cdp with the bearing isolators pictured ....

The effect was astonishing other word for it

it was as if a frosted glass screen had been removed from a tv ....

the separation and imaging was stunning ...

the disc we played had a phone ring in the background mate got up to answer it !! and he's familiar with the track.

replacing the tile spacer feet ....drained the sound of life and energy , and also collapsed the imaging.

As to why these have this effect .... I've no idea. But you can start to guess that the ball is providing a point contact and the wood a compliant sink ?? or its preventing the glass from passing on the sympathetic resonaces to the cdp .....

Whatever ......who cares !

These worked exceptionally well in this system context !
Davidf has kindly offered to make some sets available .at a modest cost of approx £5 per set of three plus postage to those who don't have the material ......


thanks vm to all those who have contacted me asking for the sets....

have run out currently....but will drop a note when I can get some more made up.

thanks again (cheers pete),

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Davidf has kindly offered to make some sets available .at a modest cost of approx £5 per set of three plus postage to those who don't have the material ......

got another two sets (cdp etc support cones) made up if any one is interested......though not matched.

ie one set of 3 is slightly shoprter than the other...but only by 2 mil or so.

BTW i have been using small (i want as little extra height as poss)cones UNDER my stands (ontop of na isoation slab)...

......adapting petes idea I just installed ball bearings into each (this already done ONTOP of the stands)...then put the stands back


quite dramatic!

instant placement of instruments that had previously been vague, noticably better definition etc .... and about 2 feet onto the soundsatge

this just reinforces my conviction that the interaction btween speakers and room is so important.
got another two sets (cdp etc support cones) made up if any one is interested......though not matched. popular demand , both sets taken!

will get some more made up in a few days time. (I hope!) :)

sorry productions bit slow; with stuff growing quickly there is now requirement on my time at my parents place...which i can't altogther ignore!
have you got any pics of them..?? - jusxt curious thats all = as my rack is made of mango wood... ;)
have you got any pics of them..?? - jusxt curious thats all = as my rack is made of mango wood... ;)

....sorry, slept a bit longer than usual today ......+have got be in work for 7....+am sending out my remaining two sets.

I'll get some pics in a few days time though if thats ok......:)

....sorry, slept a bit longer than usual today ......+have got be in work for 7....+am sending out my remaining two sets.

I'll get some pics in a few days time though if thats ok......:)


no probs mate! :D

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