As a question to the group and not as a challenge to anyone, are there potentially any problems with using these new super-powerful magnets near Hi-Fi equipment? .
Hmm, maybe maybe not ... I installed one of the new Clearaudio decks with the opposing magnet bearings last week ... It sounded superb ... Those magnets are nowhere near as strong as you would need to float a heavy piece of kit as they are only holding up the platter and don't actually float it anyway, just take a large part of the pressure off ... on the other hand they come within centimetres of the cartridge at the end of side to no apparent ill effect.
opinion revised !
Glad to hear that magnets appear not to cause any ill effects. My question was simply a question, not a suggestion that there would be a problem, and it's good to hear some results that help answer it.
Couldn't you use opposing magnets on the outsides too, to keep the platform centred?
This is what i suggested except using nylon rods as it is more rigid than ptfe.
probably right.
hey why not just buy this