zero cost magnetic isolation

pete have you tried making two circles of smaller magnets, one ring just small enough to fit inside the other.

they centre pretty well
What are you a mind reader !....

I was mulling that over last night ........once my big magnets arrive I'll give that a whorl.
ebony or blackwood...


Those magnets are a claimed 3kg strength. No one has come forward with any equation to measure how much two opposed would hold (obviously minus the small lateral friction!). Do you think a pair of those is anywhere near holding up 6kg?

I have moved off BBs on oak to pure ebony, temporarily (maybe).


Happened across some Blackwood Clarinet Bell blanks (seconds) yesterday. Here:slhardwoods
What does the ebony sound like ...?

I've no idea as to the weight two magnets will hold up .....

the two rings of magnets was not as good as the original set up.

I've now got my 20mm one and they are strong !

I shall have a play and report back !
The ebony between my SB+ metal cases is very nice - machined as spike and cup, others as domes to try.

I have just got some 1"x .25" discs. They are scarily powerful and I already have a nasty nip injury. My wife assures me I will not expire from a blood blister, but I am keeping them at a safe distance.

For a source of magnets Kevin at is very fast and helpful. In the US, but carriage is very fast.

What does the ebony sound like ...?

I've no idea as to the weight two magnets will hold up .....

the two rings of magnets was not as good as the original set up.

I've now got my 20mm one and they are strong !

I shall have a play and report back !

Following this with interest Pete. Especially interested to see what sort of weight they'll carry.
yes its a dangerous business ...I've all sort of small magnet bits when they start to rush towards you from 6-7 inches away and you just know its going to hurt!

about to start on the big magnet [been tied up building the case for the sb3 psu ...just wish I'd got the dremel out !]
Just a quick correction for Uncle Ants:-

The Clearaudio Ceramic Magnetic Bearing, floats the platter, there is no ball bearing at the top of the spindle shaft, the whole weight of the platter is held by the magnet. I have just fitted one to my turntable.
Just a quick correction for Uncle Ants:-

The Clearaudio Ceramic Magnetic Bearing, floats the platter, there is no ball bearing at the top of the spindle shaft, the whole weight of the platter is held by the magnet. I have just fitted one to my turntable.

Hmm. Could be. On the deck I fitted (it came with it) - it certainly didn't seem to take the entire weight of the platter though, but thinking about there wasn't a ball, so probably correct. Even so, the weight of the platter isn't the same as the weight of a whole deck.
my first attempt with the 25mm magnets didn't work ..this was a simple substituion of the larger magnets in the original ring ...

The next idea is to fix a set of 3 x 25mm tube with opposing magnets in .... the top plate will sit its three "feet " on the upper opposing magnets.....
Well all of my magnets arrived the other day, i have a selection of counter sunk ring magnets from 10mm to 25mm and some thick 23mm ones too. Stupidly strong but can easily by shattered into two or more pieces.

I will have a play on my next day off and report back with pictures.
Please do :)

Meanwhile - don't forget to dis-assemble any dead hard discs you may have to hand before tossing them. I mined our IT department's dead drive bin and gained quite a pile of free comedy-strength magnets to play with one day... (i'm thinking diy dibbons)
How about a light but rigid Isolation platfrom made from something like a thick Polystyrene Block, floating on top of a tank of fluid, you could embed the magnets into the sides of the floating platform and have either repelling ,or attracting magnets keeping the float in place , adequate damping would depend on the strength of the magnets and the visosity of the fluid.

You also wouldn't need an awful lt of fluid , obviuosly depending on how much the displacement was. I'm not talking about a 50 Gallon drum of water- but it would probably work :)

My own personal take on all of this is that the only component i have ever discovered a noticable difference of importance of the support is with record players. My LP12 is currently on the top shelf of a floor mounted rack and is sub-optimal' to say the least, cant wait to find the time to re-mount my wall shelf.
My Compact disc player and Amplifiers seem to sound the same to me whether they are on the rack , or just sitting on the carpet on the floor, just being honest here BTW.
My cdp is now mounted on two platfroms; each a combination of mdf/granite/slate/rubber/mild steel (!), with oak cones+ ball bearings in betwen (I know a bit keen....:D).........its made a quite a lot of difference.....
I don't know if ayone can get hold of these but Welders and Platers use cable tidys (with 50mm diameter flat donut-shaped magnets to hold them in place) when working on large surfaces.

As far as I remember these magnets were muchous strong and hard to press together with both hands.

Mind you finding a functioning fabrication works these days may be hard eanough.
Ok ...I've built a single foot

three 65mmx 18 mm discs of wood glued together with a 20mm dia hole , one magnet placed in the bottom...a rod of 18mm and a magnet placed to oppose the other is the slide into the whole ...this supports about 3kg [ placed on a set of scales and pressed down on the rod till the two magnets touched]..

set up a small test with stethescope holding the rod to the flat end ..this reduced the sound of spoon tapping the work surface by a very large ammout.....

now just to build two more !

Sideshow bob ......

I nearly mixed you up with the other chap [mind you he's not going to be confused with you when you read the contents of the post] ..again ! why not be sLideshow bob or sideshow bLob idea how hard it is to change your monika ....
Zanash - I saw a magneticaly levitated platform once at a show once. The side load was supported by pins and bearings.

I have a different idea that picks up on ideas used in other isolation devices. - Control side loads with nylon fishing wire loopy things

Make two platforms - One 20mm or so smaller on both sides (when you look down). glue opposing magnets on each face of supporting faces - however many you need
screw something like 8 sticky up pegs with perpendicular holes thro on bottom - larger board

Then drill an number of holes vertically in the smaller plate close to the pegs you have fitted coming up from larger plate imagin a trampolin support . then connect pegs to the top plate by using nylon fishing wire tie off in a loop to make a trampoline affair then Bob (not sideshow) is your uncle.
sounds good ....

I've seen similar string/wire supports ..that work well.

I'll report back when I've built my other two feet ...
Hi Pete, hope the holiday wasn't too wet. This is sounding promising. Is the 3kg weight limit with the larger magnets you bought?

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