A challenge / scientific research involving Bub

that pic is the most hilariously ugly set-up i have ever seen,no offence intended,but I suspect you are single

"No offence intended," but whenever I read comments like that (implying that the person with the ugly set-up is a bit sad and single) I suspect it's the author who's experiencing difficulties with his partner-hifi situation.

As James has implied before, not all women are domestic nit-picking, potpourri-arranging feather dusters -- especially not the independent, opinionated and passionate kind. (In our "household", BTW, it's me who's the anally-retentive compulsive cleaner.)

My system is nowhere near as imposing as James', but it still lords over the rest of our living room. My girlfriend has always known that the music thing means a lot to me and that it takes up some space, she doesn't mind at all. Quite the opposite, actually -- it's a lovely to see your girlfriend and a couple of her best friends dancing to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder at full blast on a Friday night. Although I'm no longer a Mana user myself I know that it produces some very impressive, deep bass which I suspect has a "stimulating" effect that gets ladies into the kind of mood we guys like them to be in.
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Originally posted by Thomas Kunzler
My system is nowhere near as imposing as James', but it still lords over the rest of our living room. My girlfriend has always known that the music thing means a lot to me and that it takes up some space, she doesn't mind at all. Quite the opposite, actually -- it's a lovely to see your girlfriend and a couple of her best friends dancing to Bob Marley and Stevie Wonder at full blast on a Friday night. Although I'm no longer a Mana user myself I know that it produces some very impressive, deep bass which I suspect has a "stimulating" effect that gets ladies into the kind of mood we guys like them to be in.
So are you saying that Mana users get laid more often than Hutter users?
Originally posted by 7_V
So are you saying that Mana users get laid more often than Hutter users?

I suspect so Steve if they are capable of going all the way to phase 7;)
It probably does have something to do with the audible effects to be fair Neil.

I can't help thinking though that it's also about bragging rights within the clan - but then again I suppose most hifi really is, otherwise we'd all have Rotel systems and be done with it.
Originally posted by Thomas Kunzler
...not all women are domestic nit-picking, potpourri-arranging feather dusters -- especially not the independent, opinionated and passionate kind.

I find 'girly' women rather insipid, on the whole. It's as if they never grew up. And I really don't think it's 'on' for one person to dictate to another what must & mustn't be brought into the living room.

I know that my hi-fi & the stands look rather extreme & brutal - the speakers don't help - but in the context of the room that it is in, it's not.

To give you an idea, the bit of window that you can see in the photo is part of the lower half of a sash window. There are three such windows in the bay itself which spans about twelve or thirteen feet, and accounts for a little under half of the total width of that room boundary.

And you should hear it. It really can either melt the heart or hit you with an iron bar, depending on the music (occasionally both at the same time) and it makes nearly every other hi-fi that I have heard sound like a bit of a toy in comparison.
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View from the sofa....

Auntie Ants is no girly girl (she's not a hairy, manly girl with balls either), but if I tried to erect a tower of power like this in our living room, she'd have me out on my ear ... and rightly so (I need protecting from myself sometimes).

Mr Devil I admire your dedication, but do you ever find that when visitors come to your house they look at you and then make sure they are between you and the door?

PS. This Mana thing? Is it a bit like drugs or something??
Yes, the Manas are a bit addictive! But in a good way, I think. I started out with just one piece, and it seems to have got somewhat out of hand. Oh well. :D


interesting positioning. I have a similar bay window, well only 9ft across. I took the decision to keep the hifi as far away as possible based on experience of the very odd effects bats have on both imaging and the lower registers. Out of interest, have you tried alternative speaker locations or did you never bother given the complexity of the task!
<< Then there is the matter of lack of upgradable-ness with Hutter. If we pretend, for the sake of argument, that Hutter is better than Mana phase 1, how does it compare with Mana phase 2, etc? >>

Very favourably. And once you're up to about phase 7 the Hutter's a no-brainer.
"No offence intended," but whenever I read comments like that (implying that the person with the ugly set-up is a bit sad and single) I suspect it's the author who's experiencing difficulties with his partner-hifi situation.

It was humour Thomas,but clearly lost on you,and i didn't use the word sad,you did,and neither did i imply it.The implication was that the system is very personal in taste,nothing more than that.
I am impressed with Devils pursuit of all things Mana,hence my further questions.

Further posters have asked if he is insane,or on drugs,and when he posted the pic,I am sure he expected some friendly jokes his forum colleagues.He has taken it all in the spirit that it is intended.
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