I guess everybody who sees Bub's room suggests this. Anyway he doesn't need to mess about from a hifi pov.Out of interest, have you tried alternative speaker locations or did you never bother given the complexity of the task!
Originally posted by Curt
I guess it would depend on the speakers. The ATCs like a bit of fresh air all around them, and there's not much bass from them in any case ;-)Originally posted by merlin
It would be a real boon if I could get the system to sit in my similar bay, but all my calculations suggest really irregular bass response
Originally posted by Thomas Kunzler
especially not the independent, opinionated and passionate kind
Ah, but what type of bass are we talking about here. I have discovered that there are two kinds. The controlled accurate kind that is present on the CD and the uncontrolled mushy boomy kind that isn't present on the CD. The former is highly desirable. The latter is not. I have recently discovered that the latter kind can be almost entirely removed (and most of the room interaction with it) by judicious application of a certain form of snake oil with a plug at one end and a socket at the other. This treatment then removes the need to have over-priced over-damped loudspeakersOriginally posted by The Devil
I guess it would depend on the speakers. The ATCs like a bit of fresh air all around them, and there's not much bass from them in any case ;-)Originally posted by merlin
It would be a real boon if I could get the system to sit in my similar bay, but all my calculations suggest really irregular bass response
Steven, in fact the 'cut-off' is at 32 Hz anechoic, genuine 12" driver with 200W of bespoke class A behind it. The little Spendor SP 100s which you rave about cut-off at 45 Hz.38Hz