All aboard the atheist bus?

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I didn't say all Christians, although Dawkins and others argue that scaring small children with tall tales of "Hell", etc., constitutes child abuse in itself.

I've already pointed out that child abuse isn't restricted to Christianity, as does

You didn't say "some" either. You didn't say that atheists don't abuse children either. However most readers will read the following post as referring to Christians in general. We can conduct a poll if you like.
Christians ARE child abusers -- check the links I posted.
Also the word abuse is open to interpretation. You are saying that scaring children using words like hell or systematic religious indoctrination is abuse. Up to a point a agree with you, but you are, deliberately I suspect, using terminology to get a reaction, (with success, it has to be said).
Well, there's much more to child abuse than just sex abuse. But since the popular monotheistic religions & their followers are seemingly completely obsessed by sex, then it's automatically assumed whenever the abuse word pops up.

There's also intellectual abuse -- Christianity is an insult to a small child's intelligence!
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Stephen Green does 'christians' a much greater disservice than 'The Devil'.
Reading the christian voice website made my blood boil.

For some IMO balanced inputs....

keep it up guys. IMO if you are a religious person and you feel 'hard done by' on this thread, the last thing you should do is leave. That is giving up on your principles. At least by staying you may learn from others and others may learn from you.
IMO if you are a religious person and you feel 'hard done by' on this thread, the last thing you should do is leave. That is giving up on your principles.

We have received a number of complaints regarding certain posts in this thread. However, as you say, instead of just feeling "hard done by" I believe it would be more productive to put forward a counter argument.

Having said that, The Devil, please moderate your posts (eg "Christians abuse children" is clearly going to cause offense and is completely unfounded without further qualification), or we'll just end up with closing/deleting this thread.
"Christians abuse children" is clearly going to cause offense and is completely unfounded without further qualification

I have qualified it. Quite apart from the sex abuse (see previous links) which goes on, there is the institutionalised, systematic abuse brought about by telling small children frightening, if implausible, stories about "Hell". This didn't affect me as a child as I wasn't that credulous, but it certainly affects others. And there's also the intellectual abuse - or a breach of trust. Children expect adults to tell the truth about important matters, and adults have a responsibility to do so. Perhaps the complainers can counter this, but I doubt it.
1) I dont mind the cars only some of the owners. Wherever men gather in a public place to quaff or sup there is always one chap borishly discussing the "torque" at his "bottom end" (which in bubs case is rather ironic!) and trying to show off to cover up his numerous insecurities and self concious attitude towards their own status.

2) I know how you behave on the forum and that is all that matters. I dont need to examine every speck of undigested sweetcorn in a turd to know what it is and that it stinks.

3) Made up by bub.

4) Also made up by bub.

5) Its stil an lp12 in terms of its construction and no mod will change that without scrapping the whole deck. Ah but thats what you did wasnt it ;)

6) Buy some more upmarket cornflakes with a bit more info on the box buboe.

Certainly your job doesnt require any medical knowledge judging from your posts here. Especially if you try to treat the liver via the anus! ;)

Bub created this thread to bolster his own rather fragile ego backed by the power of the theory he is currently touting religiously.

Dawkins knows that it IS a code - it is LIKE a human created code (but is not human created). Now your own prophet has pronounced truth you should bow and acknowledge it, without understanding of course. Certainly bubs wittering on topics he knows nothing about constitutes mental abuse of the forum.

People believe in religion as we are predisposed to do so given our mental and biologicial makeup. It has nothing to do with intelligence and bub is no more intelligent for being an atheist. Points that dawkins himself makes but urges people to make the best use of their intelligence and see through this cultural deception.


One thing which comes across loud & clear is mr hazyknowledge's willingness to spout off about subjects on which he has little or no knowlege, viz:

1 BMWs -- had a lift in one once
2 Me -- no firm knowledge whatsoever
3 ATCs -- brief shop demo some years ago
4 SME TTs and arms -- ditto
5 Ninja LP12 -- no experience at all
6 DNA -- appears to be a complete n00b

I wonder whether his job description read "no experience necessary" ....;)
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Dawkins knows that it IS a code - it is LIKE a human created code (but is not human created).

No it isn't a code. It has some superficial resemblance to a code, and that's what RD says, but actually, DNA and proteins form "a coded set". Now stop insulting me with your ill-considered nonsense based on the superficial understanding you have.
Quote from richard dawkins

"The filament of DNA is information, a message written in a code of chemicals, one chemical for each letter."

Game over buboe

A coded set is just the name for the "basis set" of a code. Anything that uses a coded set is a code. Learn some mathematics. You are confused and out of your depth intellectually and educationally.
Dawkins is using laymen's language to try to explain what DNA is like to the man in the street. DNA isn't actually a code for reasons I have already explained several times.

Were you one of those boys who had to go up to the teacher at the end of lessons, to get an explanation of what had gone on in class?
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