All aboard the atheist bus?

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Its quite simple bub - you choose a mapping of alphabet to a set of 3 consecutive blocks (4^3 giving you enough permutations to code the alphabet) and then encode the sequence to describe the text you want.

We covered this several pages ago. You are formulating a code, then transcribing it to DNA bases. DNA is no more a code in this instance than is a piece of paper, or a set of coloured balls.

The encoding of gentic information is just as arbitrary it just happened to be picked by evolution. I see the point you are trying to make however it is based upon an almost totally oafish misunderstanding of both encoding and genetics.

You have a strange understanding of "arbitrary". I wouldn't call any chemical reaction "arbitrary".

I have qualifications in natural computing all of which require detailed knowledge of evolutionary, genetic and neural fields.

That'll be a "no", then. It shows.
No that is incorrect - dna is composed of the coding blocks themselves so it is not analogous in that way. Paper does not contain information the writing on it does - however dna does contain information.

Arbitrary is in the sense of the selection of the coding scheme. Even within the life we know the coding schemes do actually vary.

Once again you display your ignorance and the shallowness of your understanding. Of just about everything.
No that is incorrect - dna is composed of the coding blocks themselves so it is not analogous in that way. Paper does not contain information the writing on it does - however dna does contain information.

Totally incorrect. You really have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. DNA is not just bases, or "coding blocks" as you call them, there is more to this molecule than that. Go and do some reading.
DNA comprises the coding blocks therefore the medium also encodes the information - unlike paper where written ink encodes the information and paper is just the medium. These coding blocks contain stored information (genes) that is read by the cellular mechanics like a cpu reading a programme file on a hard disk. Oaf. So much for the vaunted scottish education system!
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Your knowledge is superficial, and I'm being charitable. What about the ribose/phosphate framework or "backbone" of the DNA molecule?

Once again, your assumption about me is incorrect. I'm English, and my education took place in England. You are one of the least well-informed people I have ever encountered online.

DNA is not a "code". Paper is not a "code". A toilet wall is not a "code". When will you grasp this simple concept?
Of course the coding units are mounted nothing I have said contradicts that. As I pointed out DNA is not analogous to paper. If you failed to grasp that then you merely expose the depth of your ignorance. On just about everything. All of your arguments are based on erroneous shallow knowledge and assumptions without basis in fact or understanding. You don't even know what information or a code is and yet you still consider yourself fit to pronounce on these matters having read a popular science book and quoting some wiki. Any long term members of the forum will already be familiar with your laughable views on turntable and speaker design as well as your numerous embarrassing turn arounds like the "ninja" lp12 saga so this latest thread will come as no surprise to them.

You should have picked up something during your time there ;). So much for your being an atheist being evidence of your superior intellect. Even an atheist can be an oaf it seems! I can only assume that on some level you are deeply dissatisfied with your life off this forum and therefore feel compelled to come here and make an ass of yourself. Which has already got you banned off every other forum. Are you having a mid life crisis?
Feel free to share your findings Markus - if they concern me I am robust enough to take it on the chin like a man ;)
perhaps the time has come to lock this thread?

We are well past that time Markus but perhaps it's better if we keep this "debate" here. I've haven't been reading it but I haven't seen any reported posts so I guess there hasn't been an AUP breach;), although hating BMWs has to be a close thing:).
I dont hate bmw just a certain type of their drivers ;)

You are fine dev
DNA is like a recipe.

There, further pages of debate are now unnecessary.

DNA is like a recipe.

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