All aboard the atheist bus?

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More like this, really :

I find the insight into certain posters' minds fascinating

One thing which comes across loud & clear is mr hazyknowledge's willingness to spout off about subjects on which he has little or no knowlege, viz:

1 BMWs -- had a lift in one once
2 Me -- no firm knowledge whatsoever
3 ATCs -- brief shop demo some years ago
4 SME TTs and arms -- ditto
5 Ninja LP12 -- no experience at all
6 DNA -- appears to be a complete n00b

I wonder whether his job description read "no experience necessary" ....;)
But James, you are an Oaf so what do you know.
We know that as we have been told so!

You have a basic knowledge of the human anus and nothing else, mind you I am very impressed that you manage to treat the liver via the anus!

The above is not my opinion etc...,
but I do hope that if ever I suffer from a liver complaint you are not my consultant!
There have been plenty....

We are well past that time Markus but perhaps it's better if we keep this "debate" here. I've haven't been reading it but I haven't seen any reported posts so I guess there hasn't been an AUP breach;), although hating BMWs has to be a close thing:).

Says it all really....there have been numerous breaches of the AUP on this debate but nothing has been done.... A number of PM's where sent, both by myself and others did so....ignored (mostly) One very offensive post was deleted and the offender came back with the same thing but worded slightly differently ....guess who by the devil. Check posts 268, 270, 275, 280 and 282. All the insults thrown between the devil and his sparring partner brizonbiovizier. There has been no balance and James(devil) has been allowed to slag all off with out moderation. He has also been allowed to insult people who are not members of this forum i.e Steven Green....AUP breach ? No it would seem.

I for one feel that there is no AUP on this forum, certain people can get away with saying what they like, namely the devil. Maybe some like watching sport like this nonsense, brought from another forum to this one....thought that would be against the AUP....but no seems okay to let two old enemies bash the crap out of each other...for others amusement. So what if James buys all his kit via magazine reviews or the like, I for one don't care. Most people know about brizonbiovizier and the devils feud. So why was it allowed to range over several hundred posts ? It should have been stopped long ago.

At the very least it would have been nice to have had a PM from Mark Telkerman the owner of this forum as several concerns were expressed to him (about this thread and the activity on it) but no replies have ever been got by myself or the other person (that I know off who sent a Pm) or any others who may have complained.

I could cut and paste those PM's to here but I wont the Mods can no doubt dip in and read them themselves.

I for one feel that a forum where any one can say what they like especially calling ( and it was implied that all) Christians are child abusers and that, not removed, is disgusting and the offender (the devil) has done it several times. In fact he has little positive to say on this forum about anything. This is not a question of opinion but fact.

To all those who have been kind to me sorry but I can't stay here anymore. And to my friend Chris (SMEAGO) you know where to find me.Truly Dev and Markus S comments have been the straw that broke this camels back.

Good Bye....D Louth 77
Good bye D Louth 77, but I thought the smilies made it fairly obvious that my comments were a bit tongue in cheek!
Sounds a bit dramatic D Louth 77...

I haven't followed the debates here too closely recently.

You seem to be a pretty sensible contributor and as such would be missed in your absence...
All the insults thrown between the devil and his sparring partner brizonbiovizier. There has been no balance and James(devil) has been allowed to slag all off with out moderation.

I've been called an "oaf" innumerable times, and only retaliated once!

Christians ARE child abusers -- check the links I posted.

Christians ARE child abusers -- check the links I posted.


This sort of generalising is offensive. It is a fact that some children are abused by some Christians, but child abuse is not restricted to any one religion and the vast majority of people including Christians deplore it.
I didn't say all Christians, although Dawkins and others argue that scaring small children with tall tales of "Hell", etc., constitutes child abuse in itself.

I've already pointed out that child abuse isn't restricted to Christianity, as does

And Mr Perry Bulwer, the author of said diatribe, also seems to have a number of unresolved issues.;)
He has also been allowed to insult people who are not members of this forum i.e Steven Green...
Steven Green is a campaigner for ignorance and prejudice. A promoter of stupidity and unreason. A public person who should expect ridicule for his ridiculousness.

I didn't see any 'insults' though.

Just as doctors botch operations, therefore they should be shunned, at the very least, or disposed of.
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