All aboard the atheist bus?

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It has nothing to do with this thread - bub has done this on what seems like a dozen occasions, basically every time he loses an argument and throws his toys out of the pram. He started this thread and others of similar ilk to provoke people and boost his own ego. He then gets stroppy when it doesn't go the way he expected. He is no better or more intelligent than the religious believers he decries - in fact his behaviour is indistinguishable from theirs on any level. He cant answer my arguments so he attempts to slur my character using false insinuations. Which you are also now doing having also tried the same by posting similar links yourself some years ago. There are no internet links that shed any light on my behaviour except in your imagination. Just a few links that show I like to look at pictures of hot asian women. So shoot me.

I did not choose to post my pic HERE so that is a breach. I dont publish james work addresses and phone numbers for people on this forum to post parcel bombs to even though his address can be found on the web. because that is not the right thing to do and it is a breach of his privacy. Something you have been shown not to respect either. I was annoyed the first time this happened some years back but now I just let the action speak for itself and let the poster show what an ignorant loser he is for all to see by resorting to this kind of behaviour.
Just your average dashingly handsome bloke.

Where do I send the money?

Actually if you google my name in images, this pops up:


I'd love to say it's me, but sadly it's not.
It has nothing to do with this thread - bub has done this on what seems like a dozen occasions, basically every time he loses an argument and throws his toys out of the pram. He started this thread and others of similar ilk to provoke people and boost his own ego. He then gets stroppy when it doesn't go the way he expected. He is no better or more intelligent than the religious believers he decries - in fact his behaviour is indistinguishable from theirs on any level. He cant answer my arguments so he attempts to slur my character using false insinuations. Which you are also now doing having also tried the same by posting similar links yourself some years ago. There are no internet links that shed any light on my behaviour except in your imagination. Just a few links that show I like to look at pictures of hot asian women. So shoot me.

I did not choose to post my pic HERE so that is a breach. I dont publish james work addresses and phone numbers for people on this forum to post parcel bombs to even though his address can be found on the web. because that is not the right thing to do and it is a breach of his privacy. Something you have been shown not to respect either. I was annoyed the first time this happened some years back but now I just let the action speak for itself and let the poster show what an ignorant loser he is for all to see by resorting to this kind of behaviour.

Hope you don't mind if I translate for the casual viewer:

Blah blah blah, I am sinking in my own BS, blah blah blah. I know I have been shown for what I am online, blah blah blah, it was not me honest, blah blah blah, I know that anyone has the right to use any info I put in the public domain, blah blah blah, but I will try to make it look like I am hard done by and they have abused an imaginary law, blah blah blah.

I imagine the only breach even remotely related to this was your birth.
He cant answer my arguments so he attempts to slur my character using false insinuations. Which you are also now doing having also tried the same by posting similar links yourself some years ago.

Can you try to make sense please, at best that seems a paradox.

I dont publish james work addresses and phone numbers for people on this forum to post parcel bombs to even though his address can be found on the web.

That is the point, the information is in the public domain and as such is available to all who use those resources. There is no moral high ground in not posting information about James that is readily available in the public domain. In the same vein there is no offence commited or inferred by posting links to information that you have made available in the public domain.
I imagine the only breach even remotely related to this was your birth.

Is that supposed to be funny? Think about that sub-ten year old insult later on and I'll bet you feel just a a little bit embarrassed If you don't then you should do.

This rest of this isn't exactly about you penance but if the cap fits.

This thread is the saddest thing I've seen on any forum*. And I mean any forum. It even beats the political rantings on Pinkfish, (usually fuelled by wiki-research and all the investigative rigour of the Daily Star).

What in hell's (no pun intended) name prompts you all to waste your time having a massive argument about semantics?

What then leads you to follow this up with bit of platinum-class keyboard warriordom and being a bit of a twat to strangers?

If this is all high wit then I've missed it entirely. And if this is your definition of fun then I can only suggest you need to get out more, for fucks sake.

Mods, why on earth do you let this crap carry on? Off topic or not, tell them to **** off and send messages to each other. Or preferably, why not ask the protagonists to meet face to face,put some gloves on and go toe to toe for a minute? Argument over.

It makes the forum look like it's full of twats, probably why it's like a morgue here.

*That said I can't help looking every couple of days. This is my Big Brother, a problem I will crack, day by day, sometimes its the only thing you can do, , , , , day by day.
Below this level there is none,
"Below this level," the operater said
"Below this level there is none,"
Below this level.

Below this level there is none.

We entered into where no one wants to be,
Back is better if you don't come with me.
Listen to yourself and I'll tell you story, too,
Side the attric must I do.

Below this level there is none.

Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none.

This time the experiment you've made
Has turned to some kind of lemonade,
But below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none.

Below this level there is none.
Below this level there is none.

Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none,
Below this level there is none.

Side year dream, side year dream,
Side year dream, side year dream.

Below this level there is none.

with thanks to "CAN"
Like I said I prefer these days to let Penance and Bub demonstrate the level of their "class" for themselves. Its more effective than I ever could be ;)

No imaginary law Penance just a thing called "principles" - you should try it. I dont think I should reveal James details on this forum as he himself has not done so. Its not the right thing to do and I dont need to do it to win the argument as Bub is so technically inept and I just am not prepared to be that petty.

If you have nothing to add to the topic of this thread then please refrain.
What in hell's (no pun intended) name prompts you all to waste your time having a massive argument about semantics?

I really don't know, but it became quite "personal" right from the word go, with repeated and completely unfounded insults coming from a common source. This developed into campaign of repeated and sustained attacks against me, even extending to my educational background, nationality, imagined physique, and choice of car!

I posted a particular myspace profile to put the source of these attacks into some kind of perspective.

[Referring to DNA as a "code" is in fact simplistic and inaccurate. If DNA is a code, then so is chlorophyll, for example, or indeed any number of other biochemical molecules. A code is arbitrary, and carries a message. DNA & chlorophyll are not arbitrary and don't carry any message.]
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