All aboard the atheist bus?

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Why dont you post your own pic as well or are you only cowardly enought to post mine numb nuts? I always imagine you to be a fat slack jawed man in his late 40s or early 50s for some reason ;)

I am not quite as glamorous and slim as you are, mr n00bcake, and I fear posting my photo would frighten small children. Those asian ladies are very fortunate to have a handsome eligible Westerner like you chasing after them online. They must thank their lucky stars.

What were you fiddling with in the photo?
I already have an asian gf thanks buboe - obtained from working in the same industry not from online.

Nothing bub - except in your imagination fatty ;)

Put your pic bubby boy - let he who is without sin cast the first stone
You can hardly accuse me after having posted links to myspace that are nothing to do with the thread.

Post your own pic you tubby coward.
Ah but you have the soul of a fat whiner my dear bub

Produce the proof lets all have a look - if you arent too scared to subject yourself to public scrutiny as well.

Or someone PM me this guys name and I will see if I can google something up ;)
If I'd known how upset you'd be about your myspace profile, I wouldn't have linked to it, however humorous & creepy it is.
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No you have done such before I am used to it now - I merely wish to see if you have the stones to put your own up. I guess not.
pany fetish? I must try those - what is it exactly?

It is coming back to me now... James something....
ok with a little assistance I now have the necessary info. i am just going to call bub directly and persuade him to put his photo up - I will promise not to rib him too callously that should do the trick ;)
Bubs got his name on a few medical "scientific papers" of which he modestly hasnt informed us - could it be because he is always 5th or 6th on the authors list? That probably means he just mopped up after the real scientists ;)
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